Programme > Par auteur > Vergès Josep Maria

Görkem Cenk Yeşilova  1, 2, *@  , Andreu Ollé  1, 2  , Josep Maria Vergès  1, 2  
1 : Institut Català de Paleoecologia Humana I Evolució Social (IPHES-CERCA), Zona educacional 4 (Edifici W3), Campus Sescelades URV, 43007, Tarragona, Spain
2 : Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Dept. d'Història i Història de l'Art, Av. Catalunya 35, 43002, Tarragona, Spain
* : Auteur correspondant

This study presents the second systematic refit / conjoin analysis of MIS 11 site La Cansaladeta (Tarragona, Spain). Previous study of the lithic assemblage of levels E and J in terms of cluster / density, orientation refit / conjoin connections and technological investigations obtained incredibly good spatial information. Though our research initially concentrated on the horizontal perspective, the presence of a snapshot between the levels E and I informed us for the archaeostratigraphy and site formation investigation (Yeşilova et al. under review).

Currently, we continue from the point that we stopped. The archaeological levels D – E – J were investigated from the archaeostratigraphic perspective. Our study is based on the systematized refit / conjoins connections and developed with three-dimensional data of the lithic elements by GIS. In terms of methodology, the excavation area was divided into bands with 25 cm intervals along the West-East and South-North direction, which allowed for a high-resolution identification of different moments.

The results show that some parts of the levels have different moments, which are clearly separated with hiatuses. This issue refers to the sub-levels. The directionality of the connection lines of the refit / conjoin sets follows the shape of the levels and displays almost no vertical displacement. This is an extremely important result of how the site is very well preserved. Additionally, almost complete reduction sets show important technological data, and observed differences point to site functional variations. In the light of these current results, the lithic sequence of La Cansaladeta, despite counting so far with a reduced excavated surface, reveals as a key MIS 11 site where to apply broad methodological application such as refit / conjoins, GIS and technological analysis.


Yeşilova, G. C., Ollé, A., Vergès, J. M. (under review). Is a spatial investigation possible without long-distance refit / conjoin? Application to lithic assemblage of Level E – J, La Cansaladeta (MIS11) (Tarragona, Spain). Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences.

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