Poço Rockshelter
Joana Pereira  1@  , Telmo Pereira@
1 : Instituto Politécnico de Tomar

Poço Rock Shelter is located in the karstic canyon Chitas, at 25 km from the present shoreline and ir part of the River Lis basin (central western coast of Iberia). This site was discovered in 2002 and the archeological test pits made in the platform between it and the stream showed its potential for preserving remains of Prehistoric hunter-gatherers.


Between 2015 and 2018, the site was excavated in the scope of the new project Ecoplis – Human Occupations in the Pleistocene Ecotones of River Lis reveling two overlapping occupations each onde specificallhy related with two climatic crises: the Henrich Event 1 and the 8.2 event.


Here we present the lithic assemlbages of both occupations. The Solutrean occupation is mostly composed of flint and related with exploitation of the outcrop right above the site for the production and exportation of bifacial tips and blades. After this occupation the area suffered a strong erosion marked by the absence of sedimentation and roof collapses. The site was then occupied during the Epipaleolithic for the intensive consumption of marine resources, resulting on a wider diversity of lithic raw materials and domestic stone tools.

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