Multiproxy studies of Lateglacial sites from Western Poland
Iwona Sobkowiak-Tabaka  1@  
1 : Faculty of Archaeology, Adam Mickiewicz University

The Third Science Revolution enabled the application of sophisticated methods such as DNA, ZOOMs, stable isotope measurements, mathematical modelling, etc. to detailed recognition of human behaviour, subsistence strategies, seasonality in a high resolution. The possibility of using these methods requires some favourable conditions for preserving organic materials, i.e. antler, bones, wood, residues, seeds or charcoal. While, most of the Lateglacial sites from the North European Plain are located on sandy, acid soils. In such conditions, organic materials occurred rarely.

The paper aims to demonstrate the detailed reconstruction of daily life at Late Palaeolithic camps, based mainly on palaeobiological analyses of remains obtained from the natural archives, such as palaeolakes. These results were accompanied by geomorphological and geochemical studies. Moreover, for recognition of the camp's structures, statistical methods were used. The intra-site analyses were also enriched by functional studies of lithics. The application of the wide set of methods allows us to look a bit closer to the Late Palaeolithic communities, but still, some crucial questions remain unanswered.

We would like to discuss how far we are in learning about the Late Glacial communities and how much have we changed the knowledge of our scientific fathers.

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