Use-wear analysis applied to an assemblage from a dissected palimpsest at the Middle Palaeolithic site of El Salt (eastern Iberia)
Mariel Bencomo  1@  , Paula Jardón  1@  , Cristo M. Hernández  2@  , Bertila Galván  2@  , Carolina Mallol  2@  
1 : Universitat de València
2 : Universidad de La Laguna [Tenerife - SP]

We present the results of the functional analysis carried out on the lithic assemblages corresponding to several occupation episodes identified in stratigraphic unit Xa of El Salt (Alcoi, Spain). We aim to contribute to the characterisation of the site Neanderthal occupation episodes, which are based on the activities recognised within these high-temporal resolution analytical frameworks. Two kinds of lithic elements have been studied: one comprising products knapped and used in site, and other consisting of single tools, previously configured and introduced in the site by human groups. The functional pattern represented by each of these assemblages is described: variety of activities and low intensity of use in the first case, and a higher degree of wear in the second one. Significance in terms of human behaviour, occupation dynamics and Neanderthal group mobility in the Alcoi valleys is pondered.

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