Rozhok-1 open-air Middle Paleolithic site in the Azov Sea coast region, Russia: the new data from museum collections
Ekaterina Doronicheva  1, *@  , Andrey Nedomolkin  2@  
1 : ANO Laboratory of Prehistory, 6M Liflandskaya street, 215, 190020 St Petersburg, Russia
2 : National Museum of the Adygh Republic, Sovetskaya street 229, 385000 Maikop, Russia
* : Corresponding author

The north-eastern Sea of Azov region has an intermediate geographical location between the Caucasus Mountains and the vast Russian plain. Several sources of high-quality cretaceous flint that was widely exploited in the Middle Paleolithic (MP) are known in the region. Also, flint from these sources was defined in the Eastern Micoquian industry in Mezmaiskaya and Matuzka caves in the North-Western Caucasus, that are located about 300 km from the sources (Doronicheva et al., 2016).

Our current study is based on materials from the open-air site of Rozhok-1. The site is a multilayered stratified site, located in the north-eastern Sea of Azov region. It was excavated by N. Praslov (1968) in 1961-1962 over a total area of about 100 m2. Six cultural horizons with numerous animal bones and flint artefacts, associated with several hearths were identified by the excavator within one lithological stratum. The largest number of faunal remains from Rozhok-1 were attributed by V. Gromov to Bison priscus cf. longicornis, Bos sp., Megaloceros sp., Equus caballus, Equus (Asinus) hidruntinus, and Canis lupus (Praslov 1968: 71). Also, a human molar was found in horizon 4. This tooth bears traits of the European Neanderthals (Khaldeeva et al., 2020).

Today, the archaeological collection from the Rozhok-1 site is stored in the Taganrog state literary and historic-architectural museum-reserve in Taganrog (Rostov region, Russia; museum ID TLIAMZ KP-8993/Ⱥ-4245). We analysed in total 1299 lithic artefacts from 6 cultural horizons excavated on the site, including 42 flint artefacts selected for petrographic and geochemical analyses (Doronicheva et al., 2017). Electronic database was created for all tudied materials. Our research allowed to gather new data about hominid mobility and adaptations in the north-eastern Sea of Azov region during the Middle Paleolithic.

 Doronicheva E.V., Kulkova M.A., and M.S. Shackley. Raw material exploitation and transport in the Northern Caucasus Eastern Micoquian. // PaleoAnthropology. 2016: 1-45 doi:10.4207/PA.2016.ART98

Doronicheva E.V., Nedomolkin A.G., Kulkova M.A., and M.V. Gerasimenko Flint procurement and transportation in the Middle Paleolithic in the North-Eastern Coast of Azov Sea (preliminary results). // The Exploitation of Raw materials in Prehistory. Ed. T. Pereira, X. Terradas, N. Bicho. 2017. Pp. 284-303.

Khaldeeva N., Kharlamova N., Otcherednoy A. Morphology of the upper second permanet human molar from the Middle Paleolithic site Rozhok I. Comparative analysis. Stratum Plus. 2020. Iss. 1. Pp. 361-370.

Praslov N.D. Rannij paleolit Severo-vostochnogo Priazov'ja i nizhnego Dona. Early Paleolithic of north-eastern Sea of Azov ceoast and lower Don. 1968. Leningrad: Nauka. 156 p.


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