Mobility strategies and settlement systems in eastern Tandilia range during middle Holocene (Argentina)
Juan Pablo Donadei  1, *@  
1 : Laboratorio Arqueología Regional Bonaerense
* : Corresponding author

Southeastern America's Pampean región is a wide sector with an approximate size of 600,000 km² where numerous human occupations belonging to the middle Holocene have been recorded. For this period, a model characterized by an increase in residential mobility as a consequence of a demographic decrease was proposed, In this context, technological management was dominated by raw materials use from local and regional distances, while subsistences pattern was dominated by specialized regional economies, with emphasis on guanaco (Lama guanicoe) and pampas deer (Ozotoceros bezoarticus) consume and other continental and marine resources complemented.

This work deals with the study of 13 lithic assamblages corresponding to 10 sites excavated in caves and rockshelter of eastern Tandilia range, where through different research lines (technomorphological, geological and statistical analysis) mobility strategies and settlement systems developed during this period are interpreted. In this way results show that hunter-gatherer groups of these range, logistical mobility strategies developed, where caves and rockshelters were used as natural refuges during hunting and gathering expeditions. In this context, raw material technological management suggests that these human groups complemented curated strategies for good quality rocks from regional distances, together with opportunistic management strategies for local or immediately available rocks poorly quality. Finally, long-distance raw material are also identified that could have been the result of exchange processes, without ruling out a possible direct procurement during annual range mobility system.

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