Registration of the closing of the 19th edition
of the UISPP Congress
Tuesday, September7, 2021 at 16:30 (Moroccan local time GMT + 1)

Registration of the opening of the 19th edition
of the UISPP congress
Thursday, September 2, 2021 at 10:00 (Morocco Time, GMT+1)

Sessions links
Schedule of communications


Important note: due to time zone diffreneces, the schedules of sessions and communications displayed in the this program are those sent to you by the moderators in the session link.
Virtual excursions
(Click on the image or scan with a QR reader)

Book of abstracts

>> Annoucement from the oranizing committee ( May 6, 2021)
Important announcement from the organizing committee
Message from the conference report
UISPP Site Link
Calendar Revised
March 30, 2019: Opening of the website
April 15, 2019: Opening of the sessions deposit
November 30, 2019: Closure of the sessions deposit at midnight
December 16, 2019: Opening of the filing of communications abstracts
[ April 18, 2020 : Decision to postpone the congress to 2-7 Sept2021 / COVID-19 pandemic ]
July 1, 2020 : Exceptional reopening of the session deposit
November 30, 2020 : Closure of the sessions deposit.
April 30, 2021 : Closure of the deposit of the communications abstracts
July 31, 2021 : Display of the final program of sessions and communications.
September 02 to 07, 2021: Holding of the congress
See the page of excursion program :
See the nomination page for the Awards of Distinction :
See the scholarship application page :

>> Useful information for payment rates
In order to validate the payment of the registration fees by the participants, please write your name and surname as the sender when entering the bank transfer.
Final acceptance of sessions and communications is conditional on payment of conference registration fees.
For any information or claim, please contact:
Pr. Aissa Masrour
Pr. Larbi Boudad
Congress Images Gallery

Documentaries and conferences of the congress

Poster Congress
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