"Archaeology of light": an essential approach to understanding the Palaeolithic Cave Art. abstract : Communication orale SG: ART PREHISTORIQUE sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:355727 |
23 oral communications for the Pyroarchaeology session of the Virtual XIX UISPP congress (NO ABSTRACTS) abstract : Communication orale S26-A: Pyroarchaeology from hunter-gatherer contexts to sedentary and complex societies sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:364289 |
A comprehensive PXRF characterization of obsidian from the Hopewell Site, Ross County, Ohio held in the Field Museum collections abstract : Communication orale S8-B: Archaeometry of prehistoric and protohistoric stone, metal, ceramics and glass sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:362987 |
A FRAMEWORK FOR CULTURAL HERITAGE MANAGEMENT IN NATIONAL PARKS, MOZAMBIQUE: AN INTEGRATED APPROACH TO LANDSCAPE PRESERVATION abstract : Communication orale S27-B: The conservation of archaeological sites and cultural landscapes . Panel: Archaeological heritage policies and management structures sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:366466 |
A Mercurial Connection: How cinnabar and quicksilver shaped the ancient Maya and Highland Mexico relations abstract : Communication orale SG: SOCIÉTÉ ROMAINE, DU MOYEN-ÂGE ET PRÉCOLOMBIENNE sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:321569 |
A multi-proxy approach to date the fossiliferous horizon of the Lower Pleistocene travertine deposit in the Denizli Basin (Kocabas hominin locality), S-W Turkey abstract : Communication orale S6-D: Chronologie des sites préhistoriques du Proche et Moyen Orient au Pléistocène moyen et supérieur : un passage terrestre unique entre Afrique et Eurasie. sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:363904 |
A multi-proxy paleoenvironmental reconstruction of the Late Pleistocene and Holocene at archaeological site, Txina-Txina, Mozambique abstract : Communication orale S23-F: Human adaptations to arid and desert environments: settlements, industries and rock art evidences sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:362628 |
A Phylogenetic Networks perspective on reticulate human evolution abstract : Communication orale S4-B: Transversality in Anthropology – Updates on methodologies, technological developments and discoveries sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:356030 |
A technological reappraisal of the Earlier Stone Age lithic artefacts of Baboungué, Central African Republic abstract : Communication orale S9-A: Creating in tropical forests: toolkits and technical behaviours of prehistoric hunter-gatherers between 23° North and 23° South. sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:355803 |
Acheulian and Premousterian hominin populations in the Middle Pleistocene Europe: new insights from archaeological, genetic and ecological evidence abstract : Communication orale S18-B:Lower Palaeolithic across time and space : what we are talking about? sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:352464 |
Activités agricoles et exploitation de coquillages: deux méthodes de destruction des nécropoles du delta du Saloum, Sénégal abstract : Communication orale SG: MARINE RESSOURCES: FOOD AND BEADS sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:352312 |
All that glitters: personal ornamentation in the Middle and Late Bronze Age of Britain and Ireland abstract : Communication orale SG5: Age des métaux sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:365580 |
Amas coquilliers : Un patrimoine culturel en péril du Sénégal à la Côte d'Ivoire abstract : Communication orale S27-B: The conservation of archaeological sites and cultural landscapes . Panel: Archaeological heritage policies and management structures sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:355331 |
AN ARCHAEOSTRATIGRAPHIC STUDY FOR THE MIS11 SITE OF LA CANSALADETA (TARRAGONA, SPAIN): TECHNO-SPATIAL INVESTIGATION THROUGH REFIT / CONJOIN CONNECTIONS abstract : Communication orale S18-B:Lower Palaeolithic across time and space : what we are talking about? sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:363513 |
AN ASSESSMENT SYSTEM FOR ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES, THE EXAMPLE OF LIMPOPO VALLEY abstract : Communication orale S27-B: The conservation of archaeological sites and cultural landscapes . Panel: Archaeological heritage policies and management structures sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:366468 |
An Early Stone Age In West Africa? Polyhedrons and Spheroids at Ounjougou, Mali abstract : Communication orale S18-B:Lower Palaeolithic across time and space : what we are talking about? sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:325285 |
An experimental approach to the functional study on MSA lithic in Morocco abstract : Communication orale S19-A: Identity, Timing and Environments of the Pleistocene and Holocene Cultures in Northwest Africa sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:325497 |
An Integrated approach to the study of Phytoliths and Thin Sections from Ground Stone Tools at Elephantine, Aswan, Egypt abstract : Communication orale S20-B: Reconstructing socio-economic and cultural dynamics from the Sahara to Mediterranean Africa during the Holocene sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:356015 |
An inverted perspective: identification of flints used in the production of bone and antler tools. The case of the Dąbki site, Poland. abstract : Communication orale S6-B: Traceology in the 21st Century: Contributions to Archaeological Science and the Human Journey sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:324631 |
Another tile in the reconstruction of Mesolithic human occupation in the southern Alps: evidence from Comèlico, upper Piave river system (NE Italy) abstract : Communication orale S21-A: Climatic changes and human occupation of mountain environments in prehistoric and protohistoric times sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:365838 |
Apennine passages of the Early Neolithic in Northern Tuscany (Italy): sites, productions, resources abstract : Communication orale S21-A: Climatic changes and human occupation of mountain environments in prehistoric and protohistoric times sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:365842 |
Apport de Georges Choubert (1908-1986) à la Géologie du Quaternaire abstract : Communication orale S19-G: Historiographie des préhistoriens et paléontologues du Maghreb sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:328936 |
Apport de l'analyse statistique multidimensionnelle en archéologie : Application de l'analyse en composantes principales l'A.C.P. au mobilier lithique du site Ifri Ouberrid au sud de la ville d'Azrou au Maroc abstract : Communication orale S19-A: Identity, Timing and Environments of the Pleistocene and Holocene Cultures in Northwest Africa sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:365974 |
Apport de la scanographie à l'interprétation embryologique de la base du crâne et de son évolution posturale chez les hominiens/ Contribution of the computerized tomography to the embryological interpretation of the skull base and its postural evolution in hominins abstract : Communication orale S4-B: Transversality in Anthropology – Updates on methodologies, technological developments and discoveries sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:323625 |
Archaeomalacological investigations at Barrosinha, a Neolithic shell-midden in the Sado estuary, Portugal abstract : Communication orale SG: MARINE RESSOURCES: FOOD AND BEADS sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:355179 |
Archaeometric investigation of pit-fire structures: a ceramic pyrotechnology experiment abstract : Communication orale S8-B: Archaeometry of prehistoric and protohistoric stone, metal, ceramics and glass sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:362986 |
Archaeometric study of pre-roman pottery from the archaeological site of Bec Berciassa (Roccavione, Cuneo, North-west Italy). abstract : Communication orale S8-B: Archaeometry of prehistoric and protohistoric stone, metal, ceramics and glass sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:362983 |
Arthur Debruge (1864-1948): un préhistorien controversé. abstract : Communication orale S19-G: Historiographie des préhistoriens et paléontologues du Maghreb sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:356394 |
Assessment of subsistence behavior in a coastal landscape: New data from the Middle Palaeolithic site of Sidi Saïd (second Pleniglacial, northern Algeria) abstract : Communication orale S19-A: Identity, Timing and Environments of the Pleistocene and Holocene Cultures in Northwest Africa sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:364247 |
Augmenting current paradigms: Nilotic rock art reconsidered abstract : Communication orale S20-B: Reconstructing socio-economic and cultural dynamics from the Sahara to Mediterranean Africa during the Holocene sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:356313 |
Between defensive and symbolic. ‘Fortified' hill-top sites in the Irish Late Bronze Age abstract : Communication orale SG5: Age des métaux sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:365579 |
Between standardisation and traditions: the adoption of Ubaid architecture in Northern Mesopotamia and beyond from the middle of the 6th to the end of the 5th millennium BC abstract : Communication orale S8-A: Mudbrick standardisation sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:350834 |
Beyond adobe: Construction Techniques in the Early Iron Age settlement of El Castillar (Mendavia, Navarre, Spain) abstract : Communication orale S8-A: Mudbrick standardisation sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:356169 |
Beyond the Decoration; Mineralogical and Micro-structural Study of the Bronze Age “Life Cycle Jar Pottery” from Keshik Cemetery, Sistan and Balouchistan, Iran abstract : Communication orale S8-B: Archaeometry of prehistoric and protohistoric stone, metal, ceramics and glass sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:362973 |
Bifacials and ochres revealing MSA cultural dynamics during MIS3 with the West African site of Toumboura III (Senegal) abstract : Communication orale S7-E: Examining cultural change and variability during the MSA over multiple spatial and temporal scales sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:360773 |
Big things come in small packages - Columbella rustica as a Mesolithic ornamental tradition in the Eastern Adriatic Coast abstract : Communication orale SG: MARINE RESSOURCES: FOOD AND BEADS sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:356260 |
BILAN DE L'ÉTUDE DES RESTES HUMAINS FOSSILES DE LA CAUNE DE L'ARAGO, TAUTAVEL, FRANCE abstract : Communication orale S18-B:Lower Palaeolithic across time and space : what we are talking about? sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:363669 |
BILAN DE L'ÉTUDE DES RESTES HUMAINS FOSSILES DE LA CAUNE DE L'ARAGO, TAUTAVEL, FRANCE abstract : Communication orale S4-B: Transversality in Anthropology – Updates on methodologies, technological developments and discoveries sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:312778 |
Biomolecular analysis of Neolithic pottery in the Mediterranean coast of the Iberian Peninsula (5300-3800 cal BC) abstract : Communication orale SG: NEOLITHIQUE sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:324713 |
Bladelet production in the Initial Upper Paleolithic in the Levant: examination of bladelet frequency, technology, and raw material economy abstract : Communication orale SG2: Paléolithique supérieur et final sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:325619 |
Bladelet production in the Initial vs. Early Upper Paleolithic assemblages of Central Asia abstract : Communication orale SG2: Paléolithique supérieur et final sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:354010 |
Bone tool technologies in the Raja Ampat Islands, West Papua: chronology, production, and use abstract : Communication orale S9-A: Creating in tropical forests: toolkits and technical behaviours of prehistoric hunter-gatherers between 23° North and 23° South. sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:356367 |
Brazilian Perspectives About National Heritage and Risks abstract : Communication orale S27-A: The management of prehistoric sites and the dynamics of contemporary societies: World Heritage and beyond sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:362921 |
BRONZE AGE HYPOGEAN CHAMBER TOMBS IN CENTRAL ITALY abstract : Communication orale S15-A: Hypogéisme funéraire en Europe et en Afrique sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:362930 |
Carinated technology in the Upper Palaeolithic of eastern Eurasia: chronology and technological evaluation abstract : Communication orale SG2: Paléolithique supérieur et final sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:354804 |
Cave bears in the menu: hunting or scavenging at the Toll Cave (Moià, Barcelona, Spain) abstract : Communication orale S25-A: Prey and Hunters: exploring subsistence strategies from the Pleistocene to the Early Holocene. sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:366944 |
Chamois exploitation in central Italy during the Pleistocene and early Holocene. abstract : Communication orale S25-A: Prey and Hunters: exploring subsistence strategies from the Pleistocene to the Early Holocene. sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:356223 |
Changes in Climate, Environment, and Populations in Northern Malawi as reflected in Bead Assemblages abstract : Communication orale S24-B: Composantes, chronologies et formes de l'industrie osseuse en Afrique sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:358706 |
Chronology of the Lower to Middle Paleolithic transition at Tabun Cave (Israel) using IRSL (pIRIR290) dating abstract : Communication orale S6-D: Chronologie des sites préhistoriques du Proche et Moyen Orient au Pléistocène moyen et supérieur : un passage terrestre unique entre Afrique et Eurasie. sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:363897 |
Components, chronologies and forms of the bone industry in Africa abstract : Communication orale S7-E: Examining cultural change and variability during the MSA over multiple spatial and temporal scales sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:346698 |
CONCEPTUALIZING AN ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND BIOCULTURAL HERITAGE PARK IN CHONGOENE, GAZA PROVINCE, MOZAMBIQUE: COMMUNITY BENEFITS CONNECTED TO COASTAL SHELL MIDDENS AND ECOSYSTEMS. abstract : Communication orale S27-B: The conservation of archaeological sites and cultural landscapes . Panel: Archaeological heritage policies and management structures sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:366314 |
Conflict management in non-state human societies. The example of the Kurdish social organization as an aid to data on pre and protohistoric societies abstract : Communication orale SG: SOCIÉTÉ ROMAINE, DU MOYEN-ÂGE ET PRÉCOLOMBIENNE sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:325579 |
Conscious castings and dirty alloys. An diachronic archaeometrical review of copper-based metalworking in the Bay of Iskenderun (southeast Turkey) abstract : Communication orale SG5: Age des métaux sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:365583 |
Conservation et mise en valeur de l'art rupestre dans les zones à risque au Cameroun abstract : Communication orale S27-A: The management of prehistoric sites and the dynamics of contemporary societies: World Heritage and beyond sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:362923 |
Construire un paysage culturel : un jeu de tensions abstract : Communication orale S27-A: The management of prehistoric sites and the dynamics of contemporary societies: World Heritage and beyond sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:362924 |
Continuité où changement : les ornements à la fin du Paléolithique dans la région de Valence (Espagne) abstract : Communication orale SG: MARINE RESSOURCES: FOOD AND BEADS sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:366947 |
Contribution à l'étude archéométallurgique du mobilier de base cuivre du Bronze final provenant de la Cova de Can Sadurní (Begues, Baix Llobregat). Nouvelles données typologiques et de composition abstract : Communication orale SG: AGE DES METAUX sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:365584 |
Contribution à l'étude du Middle Stone Age au Maroc : Processus de fabrication et du traitement des matières colorantes abstract : Communication orale S19-A: Identity, Timing and Environments of the Pleistocene and Holocene Cultures in Northwest Africa sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:326579 |
Contribution à l'exploitation des ressources malacologiques des espaces littoraux à la fin du Pléistocène et à l'Holocène au Maroc oriental et atlantique abstract : Communication orale S19-A: Identity, Timing and Environments of the Pleistocene and Holocene Cultures in Northwest Africa sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:356045 |
Contribution of palaeoenvironmental studies to the socio-economic context of mining at the Neolithic flint mine of Spiennes. abstract : Communication orale S5-A: New methods for exploring flint mines - From producers to consumers, from Prehistory to History sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:332409 |
Contribution to the North African MSA Blade Technology: layer 4c from Bizmoune Cave (Essaouira, Morocco) abstract : Communication orale S19-A: Identity, Timing and Environments of the Pleistocene and Holocene Cultures in Northwest Africa sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:356044 |
Controlled experiments as a mean for understanding butchering processes in the Palaeolithic: experimental use-wear on non-flint tools at Pinilla del Valle (Madrid, Spain). abstract : Communication orale S6-B: Traceology in the 21st Century: Contributions to Archaeological Science and the Human Journey sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:364464 |
Convergent trends, parallel roads: rock art and megaliths in the Tagus basin abstract : Communication orale SG: RECHERCHES ACTUELLES SUR LES AGES DES METAUX sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:362623 |
Copper supply networks in the Early Bronze Age of south-east Spain: new evidence from the Lower Segura Valley abstract : Communication orale S8-B: Archaeometry of prehistoric and protohistoric stone, metal, ceramics and glass sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:362977 |
CREUSER DANS LE ROC : DE LA GROTTE NATURELLE A LA CAVITE ARTIFICIELLE: CAS DES HYPOGEES DE LA TUNISIE SEPTENTRIONALE. abstract : Communication orale S15-A: Hypogéisme funéraire en Europe et en Afrique sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:362947 |
Crossing on horseback the Balkans, the Danube and the Carpathians in the Second Iron Age abstract : Communication orale SG: RECHERCHES ACTUELLES SUR LES AGES DES METAUX sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:296517 |
Cultural transitions in the Middle and Later Stone Age records of North Africa : an overview from Morocco abstract : Communication orale S19-A: Identity, Timing and Environments of the Pleistocene and Holocene Cultures in Northwest Africa sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:356301 |
Current research on the function of Homo antecessor's stone tool assemblage (Gran Dolina- TD6, Atapuerca, Spain). A new insight from a multi-technique approach abstract : Communication orale S6-B: Traceology in the 21st Century: Contributions to Archaeological Science and the Human Journey sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:364692 |
Dancing scenes in rock art: a methodological approach abstract : Communication orale S23-G: Archaeoacoustics - The Archaeology of Past Soundscapes in Prehistory and Protohistory., S24-A: The intellectual and spiritual expressions of non-literate peoples sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:325265 |
Deconstructing 'Tabun D' phase: a variable perspective into the Early Middle Paleolithic of Tabun Cave and the southern Levant abstract : Communication orale S7-A: Patterns and causes of spatial and temporal variability during the Middle Paleolithic sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:355745 |
Découverte récente de monolithes en Guinée-Bissau abstract : Communication orale SG: RECHERCHES ACTUELLES SUR LES AGES DES METAUX sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:325431 |
Defining the Limits of Raw Material Extraction in Prehistoric Bedrock Quarries: A Petrofabric Approach. abstract : Communication orale S5-A: New methods for exploring flint mines - From producers to consumers, from Prehistory to History sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:358709 |
Dérive chronologique ou changement de paradigme ? Le cas du Bronze ancien en Europe centrale abstract : Communication orale SG5: Age des métaux sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:365582 |
Diachronic changes in the Howiesons Poort of Sibhudu and southern Africa abstract : Communication orale S7-E: Examining cultural change and variability during the MSA over multiple spatial and temporal scales sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:358870 |
Diachronic raw material procurement along the al-Hajar Mountains in Abu Dhabi Emirate (UAE) abstract : Communication orale SG: NEOLITHIQUE sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:326538 |
Dogs' remains in ritual context during the 1st millennium BC northern Thrace abstract : Communication orale SG: RECHERCHES ACTUELLES SUR LES AGES DES METAUX sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:366585 |
DOMUS DE JANAS XIII DI CANNAS DI SOTTO abstract : Communication orale S15-A: Hypogéisme funéraire en Europe et en Afrique sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:362954 |
Double Patina and the Acheulian Longue Durée: Collecting and Modifying Patinated Flaked Items during the Lower Palaeolithic abstract : Communication orale S18-B:Lower Palaeolithic across time and space : what we are talking about? sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:311230 |
Early and Late Neolithic Pottery of Ifri n'Etsedda, Eastern Rif, Morocco. abstract : Communication orale S20-B: Reconstructing socio-economic and cultural dynamics from the Sahara to Mediterranean Africa during the Holocene sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:356289 |
Early Aurignacian in western Asia, application of techno-technology and chronological frameworks for a comparison study between Iranian and Levantine sites. abstract : Communication orale SG2: Paléolithique supérieur et final sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:324972 |
Early History of Architectural Planning in the Levant abstract : Communication orale S24-A: The intellectual and spiritual expressions of non-literate peoples sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:313219 |
Early Middle Stone Age occupations in the atlantic southern Morocco and implications for the origins of modern human behaviour abstract : Communication orale S19-A: Identity, Timing and Environments of the Pleistocene and Holocene Cultures in Northwest Africa sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:364269 |
Emile Ennouchi abstract : Communication orale S19-G: Historiographie des préhistoriens et paléontologues du Maghreb sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:323202 |
Enhancement of the invisible heritage: the case of the Ethnological Archaeological Civic Museum of Modena abstract : Communication orale S27-A: The management of prehistoric sites and the dynamics of contemporary societies: World Heritage and beyond sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:324524 |
Enigmatiques blocs gravés d'Ihatoussene (Haute Kabylie, Tizi Ouzou, Algérie) abstract : Communication orale SG: ART PREHISTORIQUE sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:326243 |
Entre Terre et Mer : L'Ibéromaurusien du Sud Tunisien abstract : Communication orale S19-C: Regards croisés sur l'Ibéromaurusien : perspectives comparatives sur les systèmes techniques des technocomplexes du bassin méditerranéen sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:364217 |
ESR/U-SERIES DATING OF THE PALAEOANTHROPOLOGICAL SITE OF QALEH KURD, IRAN - PRELIMINARY RESULTS abstract : Communication orale S6-D: Chronologie des sites préhistoriques du Proche et Moyen Orient au Pléistocène moyen et supérieur : un passage terrestre unique entre Afrique et Eurasie. sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:363903 |
Ethnoarchaeological adaptation models of Saharan pastoralism to Holocene climatic catastrophes abstract : Communication orale S20-B: Reconstructing socio-economic and cultural dynamics from the Sahara to Mediterranean Africa during the Holocene sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:356387 |
ETUDE DE LA PARURE PALEOLITHIQUE DE LA GROTTE D'EL KHENZIRA I, CAP BLANC, MAROC (FOUILLES 2017) abstract : Communication orale S19-A: Identity, Timing and Environments of the Pleistocene and Holocene Cultures in Northwest Africa sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:326612 |
Experiments across disciplines: unfolding starchy plants processing with pebble tools during the EUP in the Eurasian Steppe. abstract : Communication orale S6-B: Traceology in the 21st Century: Contributions to Archaeological Science and the Human Journey sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:364476 |
Exploring stone-tool technology in the Congo Basin from the Earlier to the Later Stone Age abstract : Communication orale S9-A: Creating in tropical forests: toolkits and technical behaviours of prehistoric hunter-gatherers between 23° North and 23° South. sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:353166 |
Facebooking the Past: Modelling maritime social networks in the Eastern Adriatic abstract : Communication orale SG: MARINE RESSOURCES: FOOD AND BEADS sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:356214 |
Final Pleistocene – Early Holocene complexes in the Eastern Caspian region. abstract : Communication orale SG2: Paléolithique supérieur et final sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:352557 |
First evidence of an Associated-Bone-Group in Northwestern Africa: The deposit of a domestic sheep skeleton from the Neolithic phase of Medjez II site (Algeria) abstract : Communication orale S20-B: Reconstructing socio-economic and cultural dynamics from the Sahara to Mediterranean Africa during the Holocene sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:363180 |
Flint procurement and exploitation in the Middle Paleolithic of the Northern Caucasus abstract : Communication orale SG1: Paléolithique inférieur et moyen sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:352436 |
For our world without sound. The opportunistic debitage in the Italian context: a methodological evaluation of the lithic assemblages of Pirro Nord, Cà Belvedere di Montepoggiolo, Ciota Ciara cave and Riparo Tagliente. abstract : Communication orale SG1: Paléolithique inférieur et moyen sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:355933 |
Fragment of an iron bloom from the Pannonian tumulus of Regöly (Hungary) - the inception of iron working in the Carpathian Basin? abstract : Communication orale S8-B: Archaeometry of prehistoric and protohistoric stone, metal, ceramics and glass sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:362981 |
Frankincense, incense burners and rising power in prehistoric Nubia abstract : Communication orale S20-B: Reconstructing socio-economic and cultural dynamics from the Sahara to Mediterranean Africa during the Holocene sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:355889 |
From North to South: paleoenvironment according to tooth-wear analysis during the Upper Pleistocene in Bizmoune, El Khenzira and Taforalt (Morocco). abstract : Communication orale S19-A: Identity, Timing and Environments of the Pleistocene and Holocene Cultures in Northwest Africa sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:325779 |
From the “Chaîne opératoire” to the economy of the raw material in the upper Pleistocene: the example of the Rhafas cave industry (Jerada, Morocco). abstract : Communication orale S19-A: Identity, Timing and Environments of the Pleistocene and Holocene Cultures in Northwest Africa sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:324812 |
Functional analysis of a singular Bell-beaker tomb: the "prince" of Fuente Olmedo (Valladolid, Spain). abstract : Communication orale S6-B: Traceology in the 21st Century: Contributions to Archaeological Science and the Human Journey sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:364614 |
Functional analysis of Middle Palaolithic flint points and other lithic pointed tools from Abric del Pastor (Alcoi, Alicante) abstract : Communication orale S6-B: Traceology in the 21st Century: Contributions to Archaeological Science and the Human Journey sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:356358 |
FUNERARY HYPOGEISM IN SOUTHERN ETRURIA: CULTURAL CHANGES BETWEEN THE ENEOLITHIC AND THE MIDDLE BRONZE AGE abstract : Communication orale S15-A: Hypogéisme funéraire en Europe et en Afrique sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:362953 |
FUNERARY RITUALS INSIDE CAVES DURING THE ENEOLITHIC AND THE BRONZE AGE IN CENTRAL TYRRHENIAN ITALY: THE CASE STUDY OF THE TUSCAN-LAZIAN MAREMMA abstract : Communication orale S15-A: Hypogéisme funéraire en Europe et en Afrique sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:362950 |
Geochemical fingerprinting of Magdalenian chert tools from Caune de Belvis (Aude, France). New data about lithic procurement strategies and past territoriality in the Pyrenees abstract : Communication orale S8-B: Archaeometry of prehistoric and protohistoric stone, metal, ceramics and glass sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:324069 |
Geographical variability and commonality in the development of bladelet technology in the Levant: implications for coast-inland relations in the Initial–Early Upper Paleolithic abstract : Communication orale SG2: Paléolithique supérieur et final sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:325504 |
Geometric microliths as a cultural marker in western Central Asia abstract : Communication orale SG: PALEOLITHIQUE & MESOLITHIQUE sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:350966 |
Georges Barthélemy Médéric Flamand, géologue et préhistorien. Grand découvreur des « hadjrates maktoubates » de l'Atlas saharien. abstract : Communication orale S19-G: Historiographie des préhistoriens et paléontologues du Maghreb sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:325939 |
gestion et sauvegarde des sites malacologiques de la basse Casamance (sud du Sénégal) abstract : Communication orale SG: MARINE RESSOURCES: FOOD AND BEADS sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:325378 |
Ginette Aumassip, la préhistorienne algérienne abstract : Communication orale S19-G: Historiographie des préhistoriens et paléontologues du Maghreb sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:351686 |
Going through the change: The acculturation process of the Eastern Maghreb communities. The case of Kef Hamda, Makhtar, Tunisia abstract : Communication orale S20-B: Reconstructing socio-economic and cultural dynamics from the Sahara to Mediterranean Africa during the Holocene sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:356089 |
Gotera, southern Ethiopia and its place in the technological variability of MIS 3 in the Horn of Africa abstract : Communication orale S7-E: Examining cultural change and variability during the MSA over multiple spatial and temporal scales sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:355586 |
Grotta del Romito (Calabria, South Italy): funerary rite in a cave, symbolic burials, organization of space in late Paleolithic contexts abstract : Communication orale S15-A: Hypogéisme funéraire en Europe et en Afrique sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:365324 |
Grotta di Pozzo (central Italy) and the human peopling of the Apennine mountain range from the LGM to the early Holocene abstract : Communication orale SG2: Paléolithique supérieur et final sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:358707 |
Habitat and ecology of red deer and horse from the high-altitude site of Montlléo (Catalonia, Spain) during the Magdalenian abstract : Communication orale S21-A: Climatic changes and human occupation of mountain environments in prehistoric and protohistoric times sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:365687 |
Henriette Camps-Fabrer et Gabriel Camps abstract : Communication orale S19-G: Historiographie des préhistoriens et paléontologues du Maghreb sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:328840 |
Hill forts and pre-proto-historic enclosures. Problems and potencialities to an european Heritage. abstract : Communication orale S27-A: The management of prehistoric sites and the dynamics of contemporary societies: World Heritage and beyond sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:325685 |
Hominin subsistence strategies around 0,3 Ma in northern France: What can we learn from the Acheulean site of Cagny-l'Épinette (Somme Valley)? abstract : Communication orale S18-B:Lower Palaeolithic across time and space : what we are talking about? sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:352632 |
Horses and dogs, companions of the Bronze and Early Iron Age people, North of the Lower Danube abstract : Communication orale SG: RECHERCHES ACTUELLES SUR LES AGES DES METAUX sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:355973 |
How is Middle Palaeolithic sites variability linked to environmental conditions? A case study abstract : Communication orale S7-A: Patterns and causes of spatial and temporal variability during the Middle Paleolithic sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:361913 |
Human frequentation and abrupt climate changes in southern Apennines (Italy) between Late Pleistocene and Early Holocene. New data on faunal remains and lithic resources exploitation at Grotta del Romito (Papasidero, Cosenza) abstract : Communication orale S21-A: Climatic changes and human occupation of mountain environments in prehistoric and protohistoric times sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:365845 |
Human occupations and processes of change throughout the Holocene (ca. 10000 BP - 500 BP) in arid environments of the Andean highlands: Archaeological evidence in the Puna de Salta, Argentina abstract : Communication orale S23-F: Human adaptations to arid and desert environments: settlements, industries and rock art evidences sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:325163 |
Hunted or perhaps something completely else? About the „after-impact" holes visible in the prehistoric scapula bones. abstract : Communication orale S6-B: Traceology in the 21st Century: Contributions to Archaeological Science and the Human Journey sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:344428 |
Hunting during the Early Bronze Age in Northern Italy: new data from the archaeozoological study of the pile dwelling site of Oppeano 4C (Verona) abstract : Communication orale S19-E: Circulations des peuplements holocènes à l’interface de la Méditerranée, de l’Atlantique, du Maghreb et du Sahara sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:355836 |
Hunting strategies and territories: Crossed views on the Neanderthals of Southeastern France. abstract : Communication orale S7-A: Patterns and causes of spatial and temporal variability during the Middle Paleolithic sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:325771 |
Il y a 5000 ans, le Bâtiment des Vaux (Moulins sur Céphons, Indre, France), incendie accidentel ou volontaire ? abstract : Communication orale SG: NEOLITHIQUE sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:315865 |
Intérêt de l'imagerie dans la biomécanique normale et pathologique de l'avant-pied. Aspects du vivant et des populations du passé. abstract : Communication orale S4-B: Transversality in Anthropology – Updates on methodologies, technological developments and discoveries sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:327202 |
Interregional contacts in late prehistoric Egypt: study of 'fibrous ware' and related decorated pottery in the Upper Egyptian Nile Valley abstract : Communication orale S20-B: Reconstructing socio-economic and cultural dynamics from the Sahara to Mediterranean Africa during the Holocene sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:356344 |
IPOGEI NEOLITICI ARTIFICIALI DI SANTA BARBARA, POLIGNANO A MARE, PUGLIA, ITALIA abstract : Communication orale S15-A: Hypogéisme funéraire en Europe et en Afrique sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:362955 |
Jean Pierre Savary, Géologue, passionné de l'archéologie et pionnier de la photographie aérienne au Sahara abstract : Communication orale S19-G: Historiographie des préhistoriens et paléontologues du Maghreb sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:326524 |
Jebel Ihroud and others. The First human settlements in North Africa abstract : Communication orale S4-B: Transversality in Anthropology – Updates on methodologies, technological developments and discoveries sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:367308 |
Knapping process of bifacial leafpoints and scrapers in the Middle Paleolithic (MIS 5-3) of North-Eastern France. What do we know ? abstract : Communication orale S7-A: Patterns and causes of spatial and temporal variability during the Middle Paleolithic sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:355332 |
L'Abbé Jean Roche (1913-2008) et le Paléolithique supérieur du Maroc abstract : Communication orale S19-G: Historiographie des préhistoriens et paléontologues du Maghreb sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:356326 |
L'abri du Dyr : un nouveau site capsien de la région de Tébessa (Algérie orientale). abstract : Communication orale S20-B: Reconstructing socio-economic and cultural dynamics from the Sahara to Mediterranean Africa during the Holocene sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:356360 |
L'Acheuléen en Mauritanie abstract : Communication orale S18-B:Lower Palaeolithic across time and space : what we are talking about? sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:345595 |
L'Acheuléen sénégalais dans le contexte ouest africain abstract : Communication orale S9-A: Creating in tropical forests: toolkits and technical behaviours of prehistoric hunter-gatherers between 23° North and 23° South. sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:326001 |
L'analyse multidimensionnelle des données en Archéologie : retour sur une révolution épistémologique avortée abstract : Communication orale S3-C: Computational Prehistory and Protohistory sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:350754 |
L'enseignement de la préhistoire et de la protohistoire à l'Université : le dilemme entre Sciences humaines, sciences de la nature, sciences exactes et sciences de l'Ingénieur abstract : Communication orale S3-D: L’enseignement universitaire de la préhistoire et de la protohistoire sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:317885 |
L'Europe moyenne au dernier maximum glaciaire : abandon, occupation saisonnière à la bonne saison ou peuplement permanent ? abstract : Communication orale S10-A: Occupation in mid-latitude Eurasia during the Last Glacial Maximum and shortly thereafter sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:350758 |
L'exploitation non alimentaire des coquilles marines durant la fin des temps préhistoriques en Afrique du Nord-ouest abstract : Communication orale S24-B: Composantes, chronologies et formes de l'industrie osseuse en Afrique sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:355532 |
L'importance de l'imagerie dans la connaissance architecturale cranio-faciale et de la posture occlusale des populations fossiles et actuelles. abstract : Communication orale S4-B: Transversality in Anthropology – Updates on methodologies, technological developments and discoveries sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:327201 |
L'industrie lithique de l'Âge de la Pierre Récent de l'abri sous roche de Nangara-Komba en République Centrafricaine abstract : Communication orale S9-A: Creating in tropical forests: toolkits and technical behaviours of prehistoric hunter-gatherers between 23° North and 23° South. sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:355583 |
L'Occupation humaine du Sud marocain au Pléistocène : état des recherches. abstract : Communication orale S19-A: Identity, Timing and Environments of the Pleistocene and Holocene Cultures in Northwest Africa sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:364257 |
La caractérisation morpho-stylistique de la poterie de la grotte néolithique de Gueldaman GLD1 : Nouvelle réflexion sur le Néolithique tellien (Nord de l'Algérie). abstract : Communication orale S20-B: Reconstructing socio-economic and cultural dynamics from the Sahara to Mediterranean Africa during the Holocene sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:355709 |
La gestion des sites préhistoriques et la dynamique des sociétés contemporaines en Afrique de l'Ouest abstract : Communication orale S27-A: The management of prehistoric sites and the dynamics of contemporary societies: World Heritage and beyond sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:362925 |
LA NÉCROPOLE DE CABAZZA (SENNORI) abstract : Communication orale S15-A: Hypogéisme funéraire en Europe et en Afrique sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:362932 |
La place sociale des enfants dans les sépultures néolithiques du Sahara central abstract : Communication orale SG4: Néolithique sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:326606 |
LA POPULATION PREHISTORIQUE DE LA REGION DE BISARCIO (OZIERI, SASSARI, SARDAIGNE). NECROPOLE HYPOGEE ET TRACES D'HABITATS. abstract : Communication orale S15-A: Hypogéisme funéraire en Europe et en Afrique sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:362031 |
La recolonisation du bassin du Dniepr après le dernier maximum glaciaire abstract : Communication orale S10-A: Occupation in mid-latitude Eurasia during the Last Glacial Maximum and shortly thereafter sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:350759 |
LANDSCAPE AS MEMORY: A CASE STUDY IN THE AMAZON REGION, BRAZIL abstract : Communication orale S27-B: The conservation of archaeological sites and cultural landscapes . Panel: Archaeological heritage policies and management structures sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:355868 |
Large-sized games and seasonality: results on the estimation of the season at death at De Nadale Cave, a single-layered Quina Mousterian site in the north-east of Italy. abstract : Communication orale S25-A: Prey and Hunters: exploring subsistence strategies from the Pleistocene to the Early Holocene. sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:352192 |
Last foraging activities vs productive economics: A gradual transitional system of food production from Neolithic sites in Tunisia. abstract : Communication orale S20-B: Reconstructing socio-economic and cultural dynamics from the Sahara to Mediterranean Africa during the Holocene sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:363175 |
Last Glacial Maximum ocupations in the Ceahlău Basin abstract : Communication orale S10-A: Occupation in mid-latitude Eurasia during the Last Glacial Maximum and shortly thereafter sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:324928 |
Late Magdalenian occupations in alpine type mountains of Central Europe – a case study of Hučiva Cave in Tatra Mountains (north Slovakia) abstract : Communication orale S21-A: Climatic changes and human occupation of mountain environments in prehistoric and protohistoric times sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:365840 |
Late Upper Palaeolithic subsistence strategies in the southern Istria (Croatia) abstract : Communication orale S25-A: Prey and Hunters: exploring subsistence strategies from the Pleistocene to the Early Holocene. sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:356195 |
Late-Pleistocene & Holocene Adaptation Strategies at Central India: with Special Reference to Chopanimando, Belan Valley abstract : Communication orale SG: NEOLITHIQUE sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:331944 |
Le core-axe, un outil tropical à redéfinir abstract : Communication orale S9-A: Creating in tropical forests: toolkits and technical behaviours of prehistoric hunter-gatherers between 23° North and 23° South. sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:356179 |
Le docteur Jean Dastugue (1910-1996), où la rigueur de l'anatomie humaine. abstract : Communication orale S19-G: Historiographie des préhistoriens et paléontologues du Maghreb sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:327200 |
Le Maghreb, un acteur méditerranéen : Contacts et échanges à l'âge du Cuivre et du Bronze abstract : Communication orale SG5: Age des métaux sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:325603 |
LE MOUSTERIEN ET/OU L'ATERIEN ET L'IBEROMAURUSIEN DANS LE CONTEXTE LITTORAL MAGHREB MEDITERRANEEN abstract : Communication orale S19-A: Identity, Timing and Environments of the Pleistocene and Holocene Cultures in Northwest Africa sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:364274 |
LECTURE DES ROCHES GRAVÉES DE LA RÉGION DU MONT BEGO, TENDE, ALPES-MARITIMES abstract : Communication orale S24-A: The intellectual and spiritual expressions of non-literate peoples sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:312777 |
Leo Frobenius (1873-1938) : explorateur et découvreur de cultures africaines abstract : Communication orale S19-G: Historiographie des préhistoriens et paléontologues du Maghreb sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:325940 |
Les apports de Théodore Monod à la connaissance des expressions rupestres du Sahara abstract : Communication orale S19-G: Historiographie des préhistoriens et paléontologues du Maghreb sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:320448 |
LES CULTURES À BIFACES DU PALÉOLITHIQUE ANCIEN DANS LE MONDE : DE L'AFRIQUE AU PROCHE-ORIENT, À L'EUROPE, À L'ASIE DE L'EST ET AU SUD-EST ASIATIQUE. abstract : Communication orale S18-B:Lower Palaeolithic across time and space : what we are talking about? sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:363516 |
Les gravures rupestres du versant nord-occidental de l'Adagh des Ifoghas (Mali) : des thèmes déterminés par l'orientation des supports abstract : Communication orale SG: ART PREHISTORIQUE sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:320469 |
Les minéralisations plombo-argentifères du massif de Jbel Addana exploitées pendant les périodes médiévales et leur relation avec l'épanouissement de la cité de Tamdûlt (Akka, Anti-Atlas occidental) abstract : Communication orale S5-A: New methods for exploring flint mines - From producers to consumers, from Prehistory to History sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:330061 |
Les modalités d'exploitation des caprinés domestiques dans la grotte préhistorique de Amoura (Atlas Saharien Oriental, Algérie). abstract : Communication orale S20-B: Reconstructing socio-economic and cultural dynamics from the Sahara to Mediterranean Africa during the Holocene sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:355850 |
Les objets en coquille d'oeuf d'autruche du Chalcolithique Iberique: une première approche abstract : Communication orale SG5: Age des métaux sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:355786 |
Les observations et études stratigraphiques et archéologiques dans l'est et le sud-est du Sénégal abstract : Communication orale SG: MARINE RESSOURCES: FOOD AND BEADS sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:353455 |
Les ressources animales terrestres et marines durant l'Ibéromaurusien (Paléolithique supérieur, Afrique du Nord-ouest): De l'exploitation économique à l'utilisation symbolique abstract : Communication orale S19-C: Regards croisés sur l'Ibéromaurusien : perspectives comparatives sur les systèmes techniques des technocomplexes du bassin méditerranéen sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:355947 |
LiDAR prospection in the service of endangered archaeological sites. A case study from the Carpathian Mountains abstract : Communication orale SG: RECHERCHES ACTUELLES SUR LES AGES DES METAUX sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:366582 |
Linked by the fire: A Middle Palaeolithic hearth-related assemblage from Abric del Pastor Unit IVf (Alcoi, Spain) abstract : Communication orale S7-A: Patterns and causes of spatial and temporal variability during the Middle Paleolithic sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:355628 |
Lipid residue analysis of Middle Palaeolithic lithic remains from El Salt (Alicante, Spain) abstract : Communication orale S8-B: Archaeometry of prehistoric and protohistoric stone, metal, ceramics and glass sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:353963 |
Looking for a possible origin for the adobe technique in the Douro Basin during the Third millennium BC: some clues and a lot of questions abstract : Communication orale S8-A: Mudbrick standardisation sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:356121 |
Louis Gentil (1868-1925), un Géologue audacieux passionné par le Maghreb (Maroc et Algérie) abstract : Communication orale S19-G: Historiographie des préhistoriens et paléontologues du Maghreb sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:326658 |
Mangeurs d'escargots terrestres à l'Holocène : les hommes capsiens et néolithiques au Maghreb oriental abstract : Communication orale S20-B: Reconstructing socio-economic and cultural dynamics from the Sahara to Mediterranean Africa during the Holocene sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:356181 |
Mans of War? Erhnoarchaeological Approaches to descriptional categories of „actors of violence“ abstract : Communication orale SG: SOCIÉTÉ ROMAINE, DU MOYEN-ÂGE ET PRÉCOLOMBIENNE sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:355913 |
Mass Distribution of Spheroids and their Relation to Aesthetic Taste abstract : Communication orale S18-B:Lower Palaeolithic across time and space : what we are talking about? sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:318544 |
MATHEMATICAL TOOLS FOR DATING AND DOCUMENTATION IN ARCHAEOLOGICAL SCIENCE: SERIATION AND PHOTOMETRIC STEREO SHAPE RECONSTRUCTION abstract : Communication orale S15-A: Hypogéisme funéraire en Europe et en Afrique sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:362958 |
Maurice Reygasse abstract : Communication orale S19-G: Historiographie des préhistoriens et paléontologues du Maghreb sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:328839 |
Metallograhy of Hallstatt flat and lugged axes from the Czech territory abstract : Communication orale S8-B: Archaeometry of prehistoric and protohistoric stone, metal, ceramics and glass sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:362980 |
Metals move, what about people? A view from Finland abstract : Communication orale SG5: Age des métaux sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:365586 |
Methodological proposal for the quantification of the accessibility to Paleolithic rock art through 3D GIS abstract : Communication orale S7-B: Annulée sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:354826 |
Microwear analysis of animal teeth from the Middle Palaeolithic sequence of Sesselfelsgrotte (Germany): ecology of prey species and duration of occupation in the Mosuterian and Micoquian abstract : Communication orale S7-A: Patterns and causes of spatial and temporal variability during the Middle Paleolithic sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:360372 |
Mid-Holocene adaptation to the highlands of Ethiopia: the case of Beefa Cave, Melka Kunture, Upper Awash, Ethiopia abstract : Communication orale S21-B: Mountain Africa: prehistoric peoples and palaeoenvironments sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:365920 |
Mitoc-Malu Galben, la continuité d'habitats entre 32.000 et 20.000 ans B.P. dans l'espace carpato-dniestréen abstract : Communication orale S10-A: Occupation in mid-latitude Eurasia during the Last Glacial Maximum and shortly thereafter sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:324153 |
Mobility strategies and settlement systems in eastern Tandilia range during middle Holocene (Argentina) abstract : Communication orale SG: NEOLITHIQUE sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:326140 |
Modern humans at La Viña rock shelter (northern Spain) during the Aurignacian between H4 and H3 climatic events abstract : Communication orale S25-A: Prey and Hunters: exploring subsistence strategies from the Pleistocene to the Early Holocene. sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:356041 |
Monte Cetona (Siena, Tuscany): visual marker, nodal settlement point and cultural indicator in interregional relations between the Neolithic and the Bronze Age. abstract : Communication orale S21-A: Climatic changes and human occupation of mountain environments in prehistoric and protohistoric times sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:365844 |
Morphometrical analysis of the iron knives of the Can Piteu-Can Roqueta Early Iron Age abstract : Communication orale SG5: Age des métaux sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:365585 |
Mudbrick standardization: the case study of Egyptian Delta earthen production abstract : Communication orale S8-A: Mudbrick standardisation sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:322596 |
Multiproxy studies of Lateglacial sites from Western Poland abstract : Communication orale SG2: Paléolithique supérieur et final sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:356320 |
Neandertal selective hunting of roe deer? The example of Riparo Tagliente levels 35-36 (MIS 3-4, Italy) abstract : Communication orale S25-A: Prey and Hunters: exploring subsistence strategies from the Pleistocene to the Early Holocene. sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:351901 |
Neolithic human occupation in the North Western Sahara: Mauritania as a case study abstract : Communication orale S20-B: Reconstructing socio-economic and cultural dynamics from the Sahara to Mediterranean Africa during the Holocene sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:326861 |
NEOLITHIC HYPOGEISM AND ITS FIGURATIVE EXPRESSIONS: THE SARDINIAN DOMUS DE JANAS AND THE MALTESE HYPOGEA abstract : Communication orale S15-A: Hypogéisme funéraire en Europe et en Afrique sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:362032 |
New Acheulean and Mousterian sites from the T4 terrace of the Lower Tejo River (western Iberia) abstract : Communication orale S3-H: Prehistoric occupations on river archives sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:355131 |
New approaches to collect and treat massive data from Bronze Age funeral structures in Mongolia abstract : Communication orale SG: RECHERCHES ACTUELLES SUR LES AGES DES METAUX sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:326571 |
New data from old excavations: revising the Initial Upper Paleolithic complex of Arembovsky site (Cis-Baikal) abstract : Communication orale SG2: Paléolithique supérieur et final sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:356309 |
New data on hunting weapon of the North Caucasus Neanderthals abstract : Communication orale SG1: Paléolithique inférieur et moyen sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:352469 |
New data on subsistence strategies during the Mesolithic in the Adige valley (TN) abstract : Communication orale S25-A: Prey and Hunters: exploring subsistence strategies from the Pleistocene to the Early Holocene. sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:366943 |
New data on the duration and seasonality of the functioning of habitation sites in the Upper Desna basin after the Late Glacial Maximum abstract : Communication orale S10-A: Occupation in mid-latitude Eurasia during the Last Glacial Maximum and shortly thereafter sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:355914 |
New data on Upper Paleolithic in Central Asia: Ushbulak and Karasai sites (Kazakhstan) abstract : Communication orale S10-A: Occupation in mid-latitude Eurasia during the Last Glacial Maximum and shortly thereafter sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:353411 |
New evidence of personal ornamentation in the Epipalaeolithic of Central Asia abstract : Communication orale SG: MARINE RESSOURCES: FOOD AND BEADS sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:356222 |
New finds from Hohle Fels Cave in the Swabian Jura call for a reassessment of the cultural chronology of the late Middle Paleolithic in Central Europe abstract : Communication orale S7-A: Patterns and causes of spatial and temporal variability during the Middle Paleolithic sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:358798 |
New Investigations on Holocene Settlements in the far northeastern Algeria abstract : Communication orale S20-B: Reconstructing socio-economic and cultural dynamics from the Sahara to Mediterranean Africa during the Holocene sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:356101 |
New research into the Bronze Age in the Guadalquivir valley abstract : Communication orale SG5: Age des métaux sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:365577 |
Nouvelle recherche sur l'acheuléen de l'Erg Tihodaïne, Tassili n'Ajjer, Sahara central : Exemple de la SET-W1 abstract : Communication orale S18-B:Lower Palaeolithic across time and space : what we are talking about? sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:326060 |
Nouvelles acquisitions sur la dynamique de la pénétration minoenne-mycénienne dans le centre-ouest de la Sicilie abstract : Communication orale SG: SOCIÉTÉ ROMAINE, DU MOYEN-ÂGE ET PRÉCOLOMBIENNE sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:286858 |
Nouvelles données sur le Paléolithique de Bassin de Minoussinsk, Sibérie du Sud (Le site d'Irba 2) abstract : Communication orale SG: PALEOLITHIQUE SUPERIEUR & MESOLITHIQUE sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:367512 |
Nouvelles étude sur le site rupestre d'Azru Imeyazen Tarihant (Kabylie) abstract : Communication orale SG: ART PREHISTORIQUE sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:356950 |
On the fringes of the main settlement areas: The Middle Palaeolithic of the Hérault department (Southern France) abstract : Communication orale S7-A: Patterns and causes of spatial and temporal variability during the Middle Paleolithic sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:362021 |
One hundred years of landscape archaeology in the Fayum, Egypt abstract : Communication orale S20-B: Reconstructing socio-economic and cultural dynamics from the Sahara to Mediterranean Africa during the Holocene sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:356066 |
Operational chains and technical decision making in the MSA in the rainforest of Equatorial Guinea abstract : Communication orale S9-A: Creating in tropical forests: toolkits and technical behaviours of prehistoric hunter-gatherers between 23° North and 23° South. sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:325271 |
ORIGINE, DÉVELOPPEMENT ET CONCLUSION DE L'HYPOGÉISME FUNÉRAIRE EN SARDAIGNE abstract : Communication orale S15-A: Hypogéisme funéraire en Europe et en Afrique sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:362956 |
Origins of horse saddles: insights based on rock art examples from Philippi (Greece) and Jebel Rat (Morocco) abstract : Communication orale SG: SOCIÉTÉ ROMAINE, DU MOYEN-ÂGE ET PRÉCOLOMBIENNE sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:325267 |
Ostrich eggshell and its utilization in African prehistory abstract : Communication orale S24-B: Composantes, chronologies et formes de l'industrie osseuse en Afrique sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:355282 |
Overcoming physical and figurative walls: social, cultural and pandemic-related challenges of public outreach in a suburban Pleistocene Museum in Rome abstract : Communication orale S27-A: The management of prehistoric sites and the dynamics of contemporary societies: World Heritage and beyond sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:355961 |
Palaeoenvironment and plant use in the Upper Capsian: macro-botanical and micro-botanical remains from Kef Hamda (Tunisia). abstract : Communication orale S20-B: Reconstructing socio-economic and cultural dynamics from the Sahara to Mediterranean Africa during the Holocene sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:355807 |
Paléoéconomie animalière des communautés Hamangia (5500-4700 BC) abstract : Communication orale SG4: Néolithique sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:351589 |
Paleogenomic analysis of archaeological leather samples from indigenous archaeological sites in Las Cañadas del Teide (Canary Islands, Spain) abstract : Communication orale S19-E: Circulations des peuplements holocènes à l’interface de la Méditerranée, de l’Atlantique, du Maghreb et du Sahara sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:362328 |
Pastoral nomads between desert and high mountains: ethnoarchaeological research on the Ait Atta in Morocco abstract : Communication orale S21-B: Mountain Africa: prehistoric peoples and palaeoenvironments sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:365924 |
Petroarchaeology research into the Aterian lithic raw material of Bizmoune cave at Essaouira (Morocco) abstract : Communication orale S19-A: Identity, Timing and Environments of the Pleistocene and Holocene Cultures in Northwest Africa sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:355895 |
PEUPLEMENT CAPSIEN DANS LA REGION DE MILA (EST ALGERIEN) : NOUVELLES RECHERCHES ET DECOUVERTES. abstract : Communication orale SG2: Paléolithique supérieur et final sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:326443 |
Phylogenetic analysis of Homo luzonensis: taxon, characters, phylogeny, and island evolution abstract : Communication orale S4-B: Transversality in Anthropology – Updates on methodologies, technological developments and discoveries sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:367307 |
Placing North Africa as a key point in Mediterranean exchange routes in Later Prehistory. A view from the Iberian Peninsula abstract : Communication orale SG5: Age des métaux sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:365576 |
Plant wax biomarkers reveal climatic and ecological context of high-altitude adaptations across the MSA-to-LSA transition in Lesotho, southern Africa abstract : Communication orale S21-B: Mountain Africa: prehistoric peoples and palaeoenvironments sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:365922 |
Poço Rockshelter abstract : Communication orale S3-H: Prehistoric occupations on river archives sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:356324 |
Postmodern Archaeology (1990-2020). A critical view abstract : Communication orale S3-E: Post-modern archaeology versus neoprocessual archaeology : the debate sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:318455 |
Pots and bones: taphonomic and spatial analyses of the Middle Holocene pastoral occupation at Takarkori rock shelter (Tadrart Acacus, Libya). abstract : Communication orale S20-B: Reconstructing socio-economic and cultural dynamics from the Sahara to Mediterranean Africa during the Holocene sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:352959 |
Practical and Interpretive Implications of Experimental Hand Imprints abstract : Communication orale SG: ART PREHISTORIQUE sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:324331 |
Prehistoric fishing in the light of ethnographic data from Africa abstract : Communication orale S24-B: Composantes, chronologies et formes de l'industrie osseuse en Afrique sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:356202 |
Prehistoric occupations on river archives abstract : Communication orale S3-H: Prehistoric occupations on river archives sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:353622 |
Prehistoric Upper Egyptian social structure in the first half of the 4th Millennium BCE: An investigation to revisit social status seen from mortuary evidence abstract : Communication orale S20-B: Reconstructing socio-economic and cultural dynamics from the Sahara to Mediterranean Africa during the Holocene sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:356269 |
Preliminary data on the frescoes from Novgorod abstract : Communication orale S8-B: Archaeometry of prehistoric and protohistoric stone, metal, ceramics and glass sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:362989 |
PRELIMINARY RESULT OF THE « ORIGINS OF SPEECH » PROJECT abstract : Communication orale S4-B: Transversality in Anthropology – Updates on methodologies, technological developments and discoveries sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:367310 |
Première occupation de la mer Égée centrale (Naxos, Grèce) : Dispersion et comportements des homininés vers l'Europe. abstract : Communication orale SG1: Paléolithique inférieur et moyen sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:353481 |
PRODUCTION AND USE OF SPHEROIDS IN THE LOWER PALAEOLITHIC IN EUROPE AND AFRICA: COMPARATIVE AND INTEGRATIVE APPROACH TO ENIGMATIC AND EMBLEMATIC OBJECTS abstract : Communication orale S18-B:Lower Palaeolithic across time and space : what we are talking about? sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:363510 |
Quel regard porté sur les ovales bi-ponctués représentés dans les gravures rupestres de l'Adrar des Iforas (Mali) ? abstract : Communication orale S20-B: Reconstructing socio-economic and cultural dynamics from the Sahara to Mediterranean Africa during the Holocene sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:320468 |
Ramaditas, Caravans of the Formative Period in the Atacama Desert, Northern Chile. abstract : Communication orale SG: RECHERCHES ACTUELLES SUR LES AGES DES METAUX sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:353936 |
Raymond Vaufrey (1890-1967), un grand préhistorien méconnu abstract : Communication orale S19-G: Historiographie des préhistoriens et paléontologues du Maghreb sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:317840 |
Reassessing the cultural stratigraphy and the techno-economic context of the Middle Paleolithic assemblages from Vogelherd Cave abstract : Communication orale S7-A: Patterns and causes of spatial and temporal variability during the Middle Paleolithic sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:359105 |
Records of AHP in the Northern Farafra depression inferred from geoarchaeological and sedimentological study abstract : Communication orale S20-B: Reconstructing socio-economic and cultural dynamics from the Sahara to Mediterranean Africa during the Holocene sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:363176 |
Refitting bones to reconstruct Neanderthal dwelling space use: the case of Fumane Cave (Verona, Italy) abstract : Communication orale S25-A: Prey and Hunters: exploring subsistence strategies from the Pleistocene to the Early Holocene. sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:366062 |
Refitting NMO: Ad-hoc Late Middle-Paleolithic knapping in hunting locality and its significance to Middle-Paleolithic lithic variability abstract : Communication orale S7-A: Patterns and causes of spatial and temporal variability during the Middle Paleolithic sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:325289 |
Regards croisés sur le rôle du Sahara marocain dans le développement du négoce transsaharien à l'époque médiévale : Approche diachronique abstract : Communication orale S20-B: Reconstructing socio-economic and cultural dynamics from the Sahara to Mediterranean Africa during the Holocene sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:307440 |
RELATIONS BETWEEN HYPOGEISM AND MEGALITHISM IN PREHISTORIC SARDINIA abstract : Communication orale S15-A: Hypogéisme funéraire en Europe et en Afrique sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:362928 |
Relecture techno-typologique des industries de Fann (Presqu'île du Cap-Vert, Sénégal) dans leur contexte stratigraphique. abstract : Communication orale S18-B:Lower Palaeolithic across time and space : what we are talking about? sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:349546 |
Reprise des fouilles dans le site éponyme de Oued Djebbana, Bir El Ater, Pléistocène supérieur, Atlas Saharien Oriental ; résultats préliminaires abstract : Communication orale S19-E: Circulations des peuplements holocènes à l’interface de la Méditerranée, de l’Atlantique, du Maghreb et du Sahara sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:365323 |
Residential Mobility and Sedentism from Early to Mid-Holocene in the Oases and the Egyptian Western Desert abstract : Communication orale S20-B: Reconstructing socio-economic and cultural dynamics from the Sahara to Mediterranean Africa during the Holocene sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:355828 |
Rethinking the Late Paleolithic of Bohemia: A Compartive Perspective on Lithic Material Selection and Transport abstract : Communication orale SG2: Paléolithique supérieur et final sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:356088 |
Rethinking the significance of microlithic variability in the Early LSA microlithic records of the Maghreb abstract : Communication orale S19-C: Regards croisés sur l'Ibéromaurusien : perspectives comparatives sur les systèmes techniques des technocomplexes du bassin méditerranéen sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:354604 |
Rethinking the “Hypogeic Paradox” in the Aegean area during the 4th and early 3rd Millennia BC abstract : Communication orale S15-A: Hypogéisme funéraire en Europe et en Afrique sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:326681 |
Revisiting settlement pattern in the Fayum abstract : Communication orale S20-B: Reconstructing socio-economic and cultural dynamics from the Sahara to Mediterranean Africa during the Holocene sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:356070 |
Revisiting Sibebe rock shelter, Eswatini: New results on the nature and timing of the final MSA in southern Africa abstract : Communication orale S7-E: Examining cultural change and variability during the MSA over multiple spatial and temporal scales sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:358867 |
Rock art and Water: some remarks on the rock art landscape from the Aswan region abstract : Communication orale SG: ART PREHISTORIQUE sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:322552 |
ROCK-CUT FUNERARY ARCHITECTURE AND THE SHAPING OF PREHISTORIC LANDSCAPES IN SICILY abstract : Communication orale S15-A: Hypogéisme funéraire en Europe et en Afrique sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:362933 |
Rozhok-1 open-air Middle Paleolithic site in the Azov Sea coast region, Russia: the new data from museum collections abstract : Communication orale SG1: Paléolithique inférieur et moyen sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:351601 |
Sacred mountains in the Upper Paleolithic abstract : Communication orale S21-B: Mountain Africa: prehistoric peoples and palaeoenvironments sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:354729 |
SEM TECHNOLOGY FOR THE ANALYSIS OF TINY CALCIFIED REMAINS FROM A PREHISPANIC BURIAL FROM EL HIERRO (CANARY ISLANDS). abstract : Communication orale S19-E: Circulations des peuplements holocènes à l’interface de la Méditerranée, de l’Atlantique, du Maghreb et du Sahara sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:362331 |
SHELL MOUND MANAGEMENT AND RISK ANALYSIS IN THE BAIXADA SANTISTA REGION, STATE OF SÃO PAULO, BRAZIL abstract : Communication orale S27-B: The conservation of archaeological sites and cultural landscapes . Panel: Archaeological heritage policies and management structures sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:355865 |
SHOWCAVE: a multidisciplinary research project to study, classify and mitigate the environmental impact in tourist caves abstract : Communication orale S27-A: The management of prehistoric sites and the dynamics of contemporary societies: World Heritage and beyond sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:366946 |
Shrouded in ‘freezingly cold mist': multi-domain human responses to Last Glacial Maximum cooling in highland Lesotho, southern Africa abstract : Communication orale S21-B: Mountain Africa: prehistoric peoples and palaeoenvironments sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:365925 |
Sickles in transition: a case study from Bulgaria abstract : Communication orale SG: NEOLITHIQUE sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:322215 |
Siliceous rocks mining, using and identification – short overview of a history of archaeological friendship between humanities and natural sciences abstract : Communication orale S5-A: New methods for exploring flint mines - From producers to consumers, from Prehistory to History sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:356237 |
Similar technical solutions, different shapes: a focus on armatures production from Riparo Tagliente (VR, Italy) and Troubat (Hautes-Pyrénées, France) abstract : Communication orale SG2: Paléolithique supérieur et final sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:355569 |
Simulation of prehistoric drilling and bead manufacturing abstract : Communication orale S6-B: Traceology in the 21st Century: Contributions to Archaeological Science and the Human Journey sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:322214 |
Sites néolithiques de surface du Sahara central : Résultats préliminaires du site de Taberchante (Kahlouche), Adrar, Algérie abstract : Communication orale S19-E: Circulations des peuplements holocènes à l’interface de la Méditerranée, de l’Atlantique, du Maghreb et du Sahara sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:326127 |
SOME REFLECTIONS ON HYPOGEISM FUNERAIRE EN ITALIE abstract : Communication orale S15-A: Hypogéisme funéraire en Europe et en Afrique sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:362945 |
Some traces of Celtic warfare: the weapons from the trophy of La Tène abstract : Communication orale SG5: Age des métaux sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:365587 |
Spatial distribution and composition of the desert varnish in the Arroyo de Las Flechas rock art site (Caborca, Sonora, Mexico) abstract : Communication orale SG: ART PREHISTORIQUE sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:356087 |
Spatial distribution of raw material types at the Paleolithic sites: a case study from the northern Mongolia abstract : Communication orale SG2: Paléolithique supérieur et final sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:352547 |
Spatial distribution of the Upper Pleistocene in the region of Assilah abstract : Communication orale S19-A: Identity, Timing and Environments of the Pleistocene and Holocene Cultures in Northwest Africa sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:356386 |
Standardized technology and form but no standardized sizes: Prehispanic adobe brick manufacture in the Zapotitan Valley, Southeastern Mesoamerica abstract : Communication orale S8-A: Mudbrick standardisation sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:325618 |
Step by step analysis of a stepped river terrace site: new results from the Acheulean site of Cagny-l'Épinette (Somme Valley, France) abstract : Communication orale S3-H: Prehistoric occupations on river archives sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:356091 |
Stone tools from burial complexes of Ekven burial ground (Chukotka, Russia) in the light of traceological analysis abstract : Communication orale S6-B: Traceology in the 21st Century: Contributions to Archaeological Science and the Human Journey sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:364828 |
Sur quelques monuments funéraires de la Téfedest. Ahaggar, Algérie abstract : Communication orale SG: RECHERCHES ACTUELLES SUR LES AGES DES METAUX sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:325441 |
Swimmers and Archers in context: Archaeological investigations along the Wadi Sura, Gilf Kebir, Egypt abstract : Communication orale S20-B: Reconstructing socio-economic and cultural dynamics from the Sahara to Mediterranean Africa during the Holocene sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:355835 |
Technological behaviors and territory exploitation during the MSA in Eastern Morocco: Sahb el Ghar 1 & 2 open air-sites in chert procurement areas abstract : Communication orale S7-E: Examining cultural change and variability during the MSA over multiple spatial and temporal scales sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:361906 |
Technological innovations and functional diversity in North and Central Sulawesi during the Late Pleistocene and Holocene abstract : Communication orale S6-B: Traceology in the 21st Century: Contributions to Archaeological Science and the Human Journey sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:364471 |
Technological use of Sus scrofa canines in the Prehistory of Romania: archaeological and experimental data abstract : Communication orale S6-B: Traceology in the 21st Century: Contributions to Archaeological Science and the Human Journey sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:350773 |
TesTerra: mineralization and prehistoric peopling in Friulian mountains (Eastern Alps - Italy) between the middle of the 5th and the 3rd millennium B.C. abstract : Communication orale S21-A: Climatic changes and human occupation of mountain environments in prehistoric and protohistoric times sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:365846 |
Testing the Multi Layered Chert Sourcing Approach: How reproducible are geochemical chert provenance analyses? abstract : Communication orale S5-A: New methods for exploring flint mines - From producers to consumers, from Prehistory to History sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:352746 |
The acoustics of the Late Prehistoric hypogea of Quinta do Anjo (Palmela, Portugal) abstract : Communication orale S23-G: Archaeoacoustics - The Archaeology of Past Soundscapes in Prehistory and Protohistory. sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:325379 |
The Aegean Acheulean: a view from Rodafnidia on Lesbos abstract : Communication orale S18-B:Lower Palaeolithic across time and space : what we are talking about? sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:367040 |
The anthropological study of the human-horse interaction. The case of the skeleton discovered at Ripiceni (Botoşani County) from Romania, dated back in the Bronze Age. abstract : Communication orale SG: RECHERCHES ACTUELLES SUR LES AGES DES METAUX sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:366580 |
THE ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESCUE FOR ROCK ENGRAVINGS IN ARID ENVIRONMENTS abstract : Communication orale SG: ART PREHISTORIQUE sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:347673 |
The bladelet production in the Early Upper Palaeolithic assemblage of the Ust-Karakol-1 site (Russian Altai) abstract : Communication orale SG2: Paléolithique supérieur et final sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:356294 |
THE DAR ES SOLTAN I CAVE IN ITS GEOMORPHOLOGICAL AND PALEOECOLOGICAL CONTEXT abstract : Communication orale S19-A: Identity, Timing and Environments of the Pleistocene and Holocene Cultures in Northwest Africa sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:365915 |
The dawn of the funerary hypogea in Neolithic Sardinia, reconsidered abstract : Communication orale S15-A: Hypogéisme funéraire en Europe et en Afrique sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:362949 |
The earliest evidence of Acheulian occupation in Northwest Europe: rediscovery of the Moulin Quignon site, Somme valley, France abstract : Communication orale S18-B:Lower Palaeolithic across time and space : what we are talking about? sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:354863 |
The Earliest Upper Palaeolithic Personal Ornaments of Altai: technological and functional variability abstract : Communication orale S6-B: Traceology in the 21st Century: Contributions to Archaeological Science and the Human Journey sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:356353 |
The Greatest Slave Revolt of the American Southwest abstract : Communication orale SG: SOCIÉTÉ ROMAINE, DU MOYEN-ÂGE ET PRÉCOLOMBIENNE sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:322551 |
The high Tafna (Tlemcen Mountains, extreme northwestern Algeria), an underexplored prehistoric hinterland :Preliminary resultsof the 2021 sesaon survey. abstract : Communication orale S20-B: Reconstructing socio-economic and cultural dynamics from the Sahara to Mediterranean Africa during the Holocene sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:356377 |
The human remains from Ciota Ciara Cave (Piedmont, Italy) abstract : Communication orale S4-B: Transversality in Anthropology – Updates on methodologies, technological developments and discoveries sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:354205 |
The Late Palaeolithic and Early Holocene osseous hunting equipment from Poland in the light of traceological studies abstract : Communication orale S6-B: Traceology in the 21st Century: Contributions to Archaeological Science and the Human Journey sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:344250 |
The Late Pleistocene mollusk sample from Contrebandiers Cave (Temara, Morocco): marine resource exploitation and personal ornaments abstract : Communication orale SG: MARINE RESSOURCES: FOOD AND BEADS sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:366883 |
The latest bone industry records from the Holocene site of Columnata (North-Western Algeria) abstract : Communication orale S24-B: Composantes, chronologies et formes de l'industrie osseuse en Afrique sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:359074 |
The lithic technology at Maomaodong Rockshelter, southwestern China: diversity and creativity of the cobble tool industry in a sub-tropical environment during the late Late Pleistocene abstract : Communication orale S9-A: Creating in tropical forests: toolkits and technical behaviours of prehistoric hunter-gatherers between 23° North and 23° South. sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:323709 |
The MP-UP transition in southern Levant: the pace of the cultural changes and coexistence. abstract : Communication orale S6-D: Chronologie des sites préhistoriques du Proche et Moyen Orient au Pléistocène moyen et supérieur : un passage terrestre unique entre Afrique et Eurasie. sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:363905 |
The Near and Middle East as a unique terrestrial corridor between Africa and Eurasia during the Pleistocene abstract : Communication orale S6-D: Chronologie des sites préhistoriques du Proche et Moyen Orient au Pléistocène moyen et supérieur : un passage terrestre unique entre Afrique et Eurasie. sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:367816 |
The non-metric features of the calcaneus and talus in El Hormiguero abstract : Communication orale S19-E: Circulations des peuplements holocènes à l’interface de la Méditerranée, de l’Atlantique, du Maghreb et du Sahara sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:362338 |
The Nubian rock art: History of the research abstract : Communication orale S20-B: Reconstructing socio-economic and cultural dynamics from the Sahara to Mediterranean Africa during the Holocene sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:363181 |
The Nuraghe Factory. A methodological approach to the analysis of construction processes abstract : Communication orale SG: RECHERCHES ACTUELLES SUR LES AGES DES METAUX sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:353694 |
The oldest prehistoric sites of Turkey and the expansion of the hominins between Africa, Europe and Asia during Pleistocene. abstract : Communication orale S6-D: Chronologie des sites préhistoriques du Proche et Moyen Orient au Pléistocène moyen et supérieur : un passage terrestre unique entre Afrique et Eurasie. sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:365355 |
The organization of lithic technology among Early Epigravettian hunter gatherers in the Italian peninsula at the end of the Last Glacial Maximum abstract : Communication orale S19-C: Regards croisés sur l'Ibéromaurusien : perspectives comparatives sur les systèmes techniques des technocomplexes du bassin méditerranéen sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:352611 |
The painted ceramics from the Chalcolithic mega-site of Valencina de la Concepción (Seville) and their possible relation with northern Morocco abstract : Communication orale SG5: Age des métaux sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:365575 |
The palaeoenvironment in the Ethiopian highland at ~1.6 Ma ago: evidence from stable isotope analysis at Garba IVD and Gombore IB (Melka Kunture, Upper Awash, Ethiopia) abstract : Communication orale S21-B: Mountain Africa: prehistoric peoples and palaeoenvironments sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:365919 |
The Pavlovian along the Danube: New perspectives on the early Gravettian in Austria abstract : Communication orale S10-A: Occupation in mid-latitude Eurasia during the Last Glacial Maximum and shortly thereafter sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:352719 |
The Quaternary fauna of Algeria and its representation in rock art : Paleogeography, extinctions, survivals abstract : Communication orale S19-E: Circulations des peuplements holocènes à l’interface de la Méditerranée, de l’Atlantique, du Maghreb et du Sahara sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:326247 |
THE RELATION OF THERMAL ENGINEERING AND FROST CREEP TO MIDDLE PALEOLITHIC SITE LOCATION IN EUROPEAN CHALK LANDSCAPES abstract : Communication orale S3-H: Prehistoric occupations on river archives sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:353652 |
The rise of the Celtic culture in the south-eastern Alps – Report on new archaeological research in Styria abstract : Communication orale SG5: Age des métaux sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:365588 |
The role of archive records in archaeology: the experience of the Archive of the Archaeological Museum in Kraków abstract : Communication orale S27-A: The management of prehistoric sites and the dynamics of contemporary societies: World Heritage and beyond sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:356291 |
The role of the migrations in the Initial Upper Palaeolithic formation in Western Transbaikal (South Siberia) abstract : Communication orale SG2: Paléolithique supérieur et final sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:325356 |
The tholoi in the Center and South Portugal at the end of Megalithism: social contexts and pan-Mediterranean framework abstract : Communication orale SG: RECHERCHES ACTUELLES SUR LES AGES DES METAUX sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:362627 |
The trajectory towards complexity: approaching the social value of copper at Bauma del Serrat del Pont Bell Beaker site (Northeast Iberia) abstract : Communication orale S8-B: Archaeometry of prehistoric and protohistoric stone, metal, ceramics and glass sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:362974 |
The walls of Las Cogotas (Castile, Spain). A defensive system of the Late Bronze Age through to the Iron Age: new approaches from archaeometry abstract : Communication orale SG: AGE DES METAUX sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:365578 |
TOMBES DE GEANTS CREUSÉES DANS LA ROCHE : UN NOUVEAU TEMOIGNAGE abstract : Communication orale S15-A: Hypogéisme funéraire en Europe et en Afrique sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:362033 |
Traceological study of the concentration of superblades from the Kamenevo burial ground (Bulgaria) abstract : Communication orale S6-B: Traceology in the 21st Century: Contributions to Archaeological Science and the Human Journey sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:364710 |
Tradition and memory. Use and reuse of the hypogea in the Recent Prehistory of the West Mediterranean islands abstract : Communication orale S15-A: Hypogéisme funéraire en Europe et en Afrique sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:326205 |
Trends in Bronze Age mollusc exploitation at Larda I and Larda II (Northeast Italy) abstract : Communication orale S19-E: Circulations des peuplements holocènes à l’interface de la Méditerranée, de l’Atlantique, du Maghreb et du Sahara sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:355838 |
Tropical foraging in Island Southeast Asia during the Last Glacial Maximum: evidence from Palawan, Philippines abstract : Communication orale S9-A: Creating in tropical forests: toolkits and technical behaviours of prehistoric hunter-gatherers between 23° North and 23° South. sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:356290 |
U-Series isotope imaging using FsLA-ICP-MS: New chronological data for Levantine Middle Pleistocene sites using snail shells, ostrich eggshells and teeth. abstract : Communication orale S6-D: Chronologie des sites préhistoriques du Proche et Moyen Orient au Pléistocène moyen et supérieur : un passage terrestre unique entre Afrique et Eurasie. sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:363886 |
Un cas d'attaque de grand carnivore sur un individu de Djebel Mistiri. Monuments protohistoriques de Tébessa, Est Algérie abstract : Communication orale SG: AGE DES METAUX sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:355916 |
Up to the mountain and down to the river: a raw material approach to the Neanderthal flint assemblage of stratigraphic unit VIII of El Salt (Alcoi, eastern Iberia) abstract : Communication orale SG1: Paléolithique inférieur et moyen sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:356336 |
Use-wear analysis applied to an assemblage from a dissected palimpsest at the Middle Palaeolithic site of El Salt (eastern Iberia) abstract : Communication orale S6-B: Traceology in the 21st Century: Contributions to Archaeological Science and the Human Journey sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:356191 |
Use-wear traces on Mesolithic composite bone arrowheads from the Volga-Oka interfluve, Russia abstract : Communication orale S6-B: Traceology in the 21st Century: Contributions to Archaeological Science and the Human Journey sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:364829 |
Using bird remains to reconstruct palaeohabitats at Sibhudu Cave, South Africa, from MIS 5 to MIS3 abstract : Communication orale S7-E: Examining cultural change and variability during the MSA over multiple spatial and temporal scales sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:360749 |
Walking through Eastern Mediterranean coastlines. Common denominators and striking differences between the Late Pleistocene societies of Cyrenaica and Levant abstract : Communication orale S19-C: Regards croisés sur l'Ibéromaurusien : perspectives comparatives sur les systèmes techniques des technocomplexes du bassin méditerranéen sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:349856 |
What does the functional study of the lithic artefacts of a kill-butchery site tell us? A case study from the Gran Dolina TD10.2 subunit (Atapuerca, Spain) abstract : Communication orale S6-B: Traceology in the 21st Century: Contributions to Archaeological Science and the Human Journey sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:364465 |
¿When is a mudbrick standardized? abstract : Communication orale S8-A: Mudbrick standardisation sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:312362 |
“Inanna's Game”: The Emergence of War and Social Complexity in the Ancient Near East. abstract : Communication orale SG: SOCIÉTÉ ROMAINE, DU MOYEN-ÂGE ET PRÉCOLOMBIENNE sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:321446 |
“SNAKES AND LADDERS” IN THE LOWER AND MIDDLE PALAEOLITHIC: FROM COGNITIVE SURPRISE TO “SKILL” abstract : Communication orale S18-B:Lower Palaeolithic across time and space : what we are talking about? sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:363671 |
Digitisation and reconstruction of the burial of newborn twins from the Gravettian site Krems-Wachtberg abstract : Poster S4-B: Transversality in Anthropology – Updates on methodologies, technological developments and discoveries sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:324490 |
Effects of alteration on exposed artifacts produced by the influence of electromagnetic radiation applied to the azo chromophores abstract : Poster S27-B: The conservation of archaeological sites and cultural landscapes . Panel: Archaeological heritage policies and management structures sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:344207 |
L'industrie osseuse du Néolithique récent du site de Pločnik (Serbie) abstract : Poster SG4: Néolithique sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:356335 |
Review on the genetic History of Algerians within North African Populations from the uni-parental genetic markers (mt DNA and Y-chromosome) Point of View. Contribution of biological anthropology to the study of the Maghreb settlement. abstract : Poster S4-B: Transversality in Anthropology – Updates on methodologies, technological developments and discoveries sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:326335 |
Social differentiation in Neolithic communities in the Middle Nile Region abstract : Poster SG: NEOLITHIQUE sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:326544 |
Tools for grinding plants from the Upper Palaeolithic sites of Kostenki and Suren: an experimental study of the appearance and characteristics of use-wear traces on grinding stones abstract : Poster S6-B: Traceology in the 21st Century: Contributions to Archaeological Science and the Human Journey sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:368620 |
Use of bone and antler as raw material during the chalcolithic in Northeastern Bulgaria (based on the materials from tell Polyanitsa) abstract : Poster S6-B: Traceology in the 21st Century: Contributions to Archaeological Science and the Human Journey sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:364477 |
Archaeoacoustics - The Archaeology of Past Soundscapes in Prehistory and Protohistory. abstract : Session sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:282792 |
Archaeology of the lithic procurement areas in the African Stone Age abstract : Session sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:289890 |
Archaeology, Rock Art and Caravans in Comparative Prospective. abstract : Session sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:297399 |
Archaeometry of prehistoric and protohistoric stone, metal, ceramics and glass abstract : Session sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:297070 |
Archéologie et sciences connexes en Afrique de l'Ouest et du Centre : Apports et perspectives abstract : Session sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:295204 |
Arts rupestres maghrébins entre richesse et défis de conservation abstract : Session sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:319529 |
Chronologie des sites préhistoriques du Proche et Moyen Orient au Pléistocène moyen et supérieur : un passage terrestre unique entre Afrique et Eurasie. abstract : Session sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:363874 |
Climate change and human occupation of mountain environments in prehistoric and protohistoric times abstract : Session sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:365681 |
Creating in tropical forests: toolkits and technical behaviours of prehistoric hunter-gatherers between 23° North and 23° South. abstract : Session sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:297968 |
Discontinuité des chaînes opératoires au Paléolithique moyen/Middle Stone Age. abstract : Session sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:304401 |
Emergence d'Homo sapiens et son contexte naturel et culturel /Emergence of Homo sapiens and its natural and cultural context abstract : Session sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:301470 |
Examining cultural change and variability during the MSA over multiple spatial and temporal scales abstract : Session sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:298264 |
First husbandry practices in Mediterranean area abstract : Session sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:300712 |
Historiographie des préhistoriens et paléontologues du Maghreb abstract : Session sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:283657 |
Human adaptations to arid and desert environments: settlements, industries and rock art evidences abstract : Session sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:298083 |
Hunter-gatherers in the Late Glacial World. What do we know exactly? abstract : Session sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:298196 |
Hunters and farmers from both margins: Debating Mediterranean intercontinental connections during the early and middle Holocene abstract : Session sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:298202 |
Hypogéisme funéraire en Europe et en Afrique abstract : Session sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:298166 |
Identity, Timing and Environments of the Pleistocene and Holocene Cultures in Northwest Africa abstract : Session sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:293455 |
L'imagerie dans tous ses états : Architecture cranio-faciale, posture occlusale et rachidienne, appareil locomoteur. abstract : Session sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:298031 |
La circulation des métaux et des métallurgies au Maghreb pré et protohistorique: état de la recherche abstract : Session sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:301776 |
Les contacts entre l'Europe et le Maghreb aux âges des métaux / Contacts between Europe and the Maghreb during the Metal Ages abstract : Session sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:284759 |
Les structures brûlées au Néolithique abstract : Session sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:291324 |
LOWER PALAEOLITHIC ACROSS TIME AND SPACE: what we are talking about? abstract : Session sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:295930 |
Man and his companions (horse and dog) in Eurasian Graves (3rd mill. BC-1st mill. AD abstract : Session sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:297870 |
Mediterranean relations in the Neolithic / Relations méditerranéennes au Néolithique abstract : Session sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:289278 |
Megaliths, landscapes and social complexification accross Europe and Africa: comparative analysis of contextualized processes abstract : Session sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:298082 |
MESO-NEOLITHIC HUNTER-GATHERER MOBILITY PATTERNS abstract : Session sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:297965 |
Mountain Africa: prehistoric peoples and palaeoenvironments abstract : Session sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:365685 |
Mudbrick standardisation abstract : Session sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:288525 |
New methods for exploring flint mines - From producers to consumers, from Prehistory to History abstract : Session sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:306637 |
Occupation in mid-latitude Eurasia during the Last Glacial Maximum and shortly thereafter abstract : Session sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:298099 |
Old excavations, new data: the use of archives and of original documentation in current archaeological research projects abstract : Session sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:297583 |
Origin processes of the emergence of warrior societies: from inter-group conflict in Prehistory to its social roots in Proto-history. abstract : Session sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:286802 |
Patterns and causes of spatial and temporal variability during the Middle Paleolithic abstract : Session sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:298265 |
Pour une archéologie de l'Atlas : ressources, itinéraires et établissements, de la Préhistoire à l'époque médiévale abstract : Session sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:298190 |
Prehistoric occupations on river archives abstract : Session sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:295267 |
Prey and Hunters: exploring subsistence strategies from the Pleistocene to the Early Holocene. abstract : Session sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:298232 |
Pyroarchaeology from hunter-gatherer contexts to sedentary and complex societies abstract : Session sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:364284 |
Recherche, analyse de risques et préservation des sites malacologiques abstract : Session sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:296376 |
Reconstructing socio-economic and cultural dynamics from the Sahara to Mediterranean Africa during the Holocene abstract : Session sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:297048 |
Regards croisés sur l'Ibéromaurusien : perspectives comparatives sur les systèmes techniques des technocomplexes du bassin méditerranéen. abstract : Session sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:293957 |
Session: The conservation of archaeological sites and cultural landscapes . Panel: Archaeological heritage policies and management structures abstract : Session sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:297800 |
Studying Rock Art in extreme enviroments: methods and techniques abstract : Session sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:298218 |
Submerged paleoenvironments and ancient remains found in wet environments (archeology and conservation) abstract : Session sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:299961 |
Substrats autochtones et contacts culturels au Maghreb et Sahara de l'âge du Bronze à la fin de l'Antiquité abstract : Session sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:302755 |
THE ARCHAEOMETRY OF ROCK ART: ANALYSES, ABSOLUTE DATING AND CONSERVATION abstract : Session sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:298091 |
The intellectual and spiritual expressions of non-literate peoples abstract : Session sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:297923 |
The management of prehistoric sites and the dynamics of contemporary societies: World Heritage and beyond abstract : Session sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:298084 |
Traceology in the 21st Century: Contributions to Archaeological Science and the Human Journey abstract : Session sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:298299 |
Transversality in Anthropology – Updates on methodologies, technological developments and discoveries abstract : Session sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:292131 |
Understanding and accessibility of pre-and proto-historical research issues: sites, museums and communication strategies. abstract : Session sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:291105 |
UNTOLD STORIES: WOMEN AND ARCHAEOLOGY IN AFRICA abstract : Session sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:300643 |
WARFARE, CONFLICT AND VIOLENCE IN PREHISTORIC NEAR EAST AND CENTRAL ASIA abstract : Session sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:297910 |
« The rivers run but soon run dry... ». Archéologie de l'eau et des précipitations dans l'iconographie saharienne préhistorique. abstract : Session sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:303428 |
“Acheulean gaps” in Africa between ~1.3 and ~1.0/0.7 Ma: questioning the absence during a key-period of human evolution abstract : Session sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:297742 |
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