Walking through Eastern Mediterranean coastlines. Common denominators and striking differences between the Late Pleistocene societies of Cyrenaica and Levant sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:349856 |
The organization of lithic technology among Early Epigravettian hunter gatherers in the Italian peninsula at the end of the Last Glacial Maximum sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:352611 |
Rethinking the significance of microlithic variability in the Early LSA microlithic records of the Maghreb sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:354604 |
Les ressources animales terrestres et marines durant l'Ibéromaurusien (Paléolithique supérieur, Afrique du Nord-ouest): De l'exploitation économique à l'utilisation symbolique sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:355947 |
Entre Terre et Mer : L'Ibéromaurusien du Sud Tunisien sciencesconf.org:uispp2020:364217 |
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