Program > By author > Miller Christopher

23 oral communications for the Pyroarchaeology session of the Virtual XIX UISPP congress (NO ABSTRACTS)
Christopher Miller  1, *@  , Carolina Mallol  2, *@  
1 : Urgeschichte und Naturwissenschaftliche Archäologie, Abt. Geoarchäologie, Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen  -  Website
Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen Urgeschichte und Naturwissenschaftliche Archäologie, Abt. Geoarchäologie Rümelinstrasse 23 72070 Tübingen -  Allemagne
2 : Archaeological Micromorphology and Biomarker Laboratory; Instituto Universitario de Bio-Orgánica Antonio González, Universidad de La Laguna (Anchieta campus, San Cristóbal de la Laguna – 38206 Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Spain)
* : Corresponding author

Pyroarchaeology Session at the Virtual XIX UISPP congress, Monday Sept 6th, 2021

Session organizers: CE Miller, C Mallol, S Gur-Arieh, MC Stahlschmidt
Time Zone: Central European Summer Time


8.50 Introduction

1st Part Moderator: Miller

9.00-9.15 CEST Sally Hoare, Rosa M. Albert, Ian Stanistreet, Karen Halsall, Mareike Stahlschmidt, John Gowlett - New Investigations of Fire-Related Interglacial sediments from Beeches Pit, Suffolk, MIS 11

9.15-9.30 Zane Stepka, Ido Azuri, Liora Kolska-Horwitz, Michael Chazan, Filipe Natalio - Evidence for fire in an open-air Lower Paleolithic site: Evron Quarry, Israel

9.30-.09.45 Michael Walker - Before pyrotechnology: pyroepignosis in the Lower Palaeolithic

9.45-10.00 William Chase Murphree and Vera Aldeias - The Evolution of Pyrotechnology in the Upper Paleolithic of Europe

10.00-10.15 Maria-Carme Belarte, María Pastor, Carme Saorin, Josep Pou, Georgina Castells, Marta Portillo, Jordi Morer, Joaquín Fernández, Marta Mateu, Sílvia Vila, Valentina Pescini and Alessandra Pecci - An experimental approach to the study of Iron Age combustion structures in northeastern Iberia: the TRANSCOMB Project

10. 15-10.30 David Friesem, Timna Raz, Leore Grosman, Shira Gur-Arieh, Reuven Yeshurun, Mina Weinstein-Evron Early trajectories of advanced pyrotechnology among the Natufians in the Southern Levant

10.30-10.45 Break

2nd Part Moderator: Mallol

10.45-11.00 Andrew C. Sorensen - Neandertals and Tinder: Adding powdered manganese dioxide (MnO2) may have increased their chances of “getting lucky” when making fire

11.00-11.15 Elysandre Puech, Marion Bamford, Isabelle Thery-Parisot - Into the hearth : floristic composition, structure arrangement and taphonomy of Later Stone Age combustion features at Bushman Rock Shelter (Limpopo, South Africa)

11.15-11.30 S. Amicone, M. Rogier, A. Memmesheimer, M.A. Qarni, J. Seidler, T. Kiemle, P. Sconzo, L.F. Morandi, S. Gur-Arieh, C. Berthold, C.E. Miller, H. Napierala, K.G. Nickel - An interdisciplinary approach to the study of kiln firing: a case study from Campus Galli

11.30-11.45 Bastien Rueff - Pyroarchaeology applied to Cretan Bronze Age lamps. An experimental methodology

11.45-12.00 Enrique Fernández-Palacios, Juan Francisco Navarro Mederos, Carolina Mallol - Aboriginal dung burning practices in La Palma (Canary Islands): The Buracas Cave fumier

12.00-12.15 Margarita Jambrina-Enríquez, Carolina Mallol, Gilliane Monnier, Gilbert Tostevin - Characterization of n-alkanes in combustion layers from the Middle Palaeolithic sedimentary sequence of Crvena Stijena rock shelter (Montenegro)

12.15-13.15 Lunch Break

3rd Part Moderator: Gur-Arieh

13.15-13.30 T. Buonasera, G. Gallo, L. Enbring, J. Eerkens, M. Arellano, C. Nijmeh, G. Parker - Preservation of Amelogenin Peptides in Thermally Altered Tooth Enamel: Proteomic Sex-Estimation of Burnt Skeletal Remains

13.30-13.45 Javier Davara, Margarita Jambrina-Enríquez, Caterina Rodríguez de Vera, Carolina Mallol - Exploring the lipid signatures of pine tar production under different combustion conditions

13.45-14.00 Natalia Égüez, Tammy Buonasera, Antonio V. Herrera-Herrera, Carolina Mallol - Biomarkers under fire. Experimental burning of animal dung to explore the thermo- oxidative degradation of its lipid content

14.00-14.15 Margarita Jambrina-Enríquez, Caterina Rodríguez de Vera, Javier Davara, Antonio V. Herrera-Herrera, Carolina Mallol - Characterizing pine as fuel: Molecular biomarkers and compound-specific isotope analysis of fatty acids in pinewood, resin exudates and sediment from experimental fires, laboratory heating sequences and wildfires

14.15-14.30 Caterina R. de Vera, Margarita Jambrina-Enríquez, Javier Davara, Antonio V. Herrera- Herrera, Carolina Mallol - Characterization of lipid compounds produced during combustion in experimental fires, laboratory heating sequences and wildfires. A comparative approach using fresh and dry anatomical parts of Pinus canariensis

14.30-14.45 Laura Tomé, Margarita Jambrina-Enríquez, Natalia Égüez, Antonio V. Herrera- Herrera, Javier Davara, Enrique Fernández-Palacios, Matilde Arnay de la Rosa, Carolina Mallol - Investigating fuel sources in highland archaeological contexts: the case of Las Cañadas del Teide (Tenerife, Spain)

14.45-15.00 Break

4th Part Moderator: Stahlschmidt

15.00-15.15 Aylar Abdolahzadeh, George M. Leader, Li Li - Heat exposed lithics: an experimental approach to quantifying potlids by temperature

15.15-15.30 Will Archer, Mareike C. Stahlschmidt, Susann Heinrich - Exploring Heat Treatment of Silcrete Artefacts Through Non-destructive Infrared Analyses

15.30-15.45 Cruz Ferro-Vázquez, Carolina Mallol, Phillip Nigst and Vera Aldeias - Colourimetric data can provide a reliable identification of burned sediments and an estimate of heating temperature

15.45-16.00 Michael Toffolo, Stéphan Dubernet, Francesco Berna, Eugenia Mintz, Jeffrey Chadwick, Aren Maeir, Elisabetta Boaretto - Micro-contextual characterization of aragonite diagenesis in archaeological ash

16.00-16.15 Ségolène Vandevelde, Toomaï Boucherat, Adelphine Bonneau, Damien Deldicque, Jean-Luc Lacour, Céline Quéré, Jacques É. Brochier, Christophe Petit, Ludovic Slimak - ExTraS Program: documenting processes of fixation, recording and preservation of combustion products in speleothems


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