Program > By author > Echcherif Baamrani Othman

Contribution to the North African MSA Blade Technology: layer 4c from Bizmoune Cave (Essaouira, Morocco)
Abdeljalil Bouzouggar  1, *@  , Othman Echcherif Baamrani  2@  
1 : Institut National des Sciences de l'Archéologie et du Patrimoine
2 : Institut National des Sciences de lÁrchéologie et du Patrimoine
* : Corresponding author

Blades technologies were always attributed to modern Humans. And discussed by many authors since the last decades. The presence and dominance of this lithic technology in most of the assemblages from around the world was seen as a major stage in the evolution of Hominid technological capacities of the Paleolithic groups.

Despite the lack of studies about this subject in North Africa and the widespread of the laminar industry in all the sites of Morocco (& North Africa), make the data regarding the production methods (Chaîne opératoire) uncertain and vague.

The aim of this research is to focus on studying typological and technological aspects of the laminar artefacts (laminar Flakes, blades and bladelets) uncovered from the layer 4c of Bizmoune cave (Morocco, Essaouira region) for a better understanding of this type of blanks.

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